My New EVO City

I would have a dealer look at your bike and ensure the torque sensor is properly adjusted. Having to work hard to engage the motor is a good indication that the torque sensor is possibly out of adjustment. The opposite condition of the bike running on when you stop pedaling for more than a second or two is the opposite condition and should be looked at as well.

True, getting used to riding ours or any ebike requires a bit of an adjustment in operation, though you I think you may want to have it looked at.

It's a 45 minute trip to get to the dealer. So, so long as it's working well enough, I'm not taking it back for an adjustment. :)
Hi, so it's been awhile and I wanted to mention that a month or so ago I just passed 1000 miles on my EVO City. Lots of mostly short trips rather than long ones.

So, I've had it a little over a year and had two spokes snap, several wheel-truings needed, the headlight mount break, and the fender/rack mounting screw strip and work it's way out. It's proven to be rather high-maintenance, but I still love it because it fills the need I had for an electric bike. It allows me to get by without a car without constantly bumming rides off my family, and that's what I needed it for. Perhaps another bike would have been less trouble, but this is my only ebike, so I have nothing to compare it to. I have put the local bike repair shops through their paces this last year, though, and I now know who knows what they're doing and who doesn't.
this is a great thread, nice to see how the bike has done for you and what issues to look out for

i should be picking up my evo street tomorrow afternoon

planning to be up north early next week and want to ride it some, need to get a few rides in this week to run the battery down the first couple of times but it is pretty hot here
i would like info on the double kickstand you have, really like that and it looks like it might fit my bike since they are the same shape
what brand is it etc

does anyone know if the kickstand on the 2016 street is any better? hopefully i will get to see it in person tomorrow
i dont like it if the stand is weak and the bike can easily fall over

have a double stand on my mariner and it is awesome