my new e cells bike review.

Usmc hunter

I am going to be brutally honest because that's what we should do on forums.
Prior to purchasing this bike I spoke to the owner of the company and told him I do not want to buy a bike, that a deer cart mounts to the frame by the rear tire axle. I told him I was going to be using a Rambo cart he told me he could have the rear rack fabricated by someone locally. well after receiving the bike and seeing the job they've done the people who did the job are not fabricators. it was a waste of time because the Carrier will not connect to the rack after discussing it with him, he hangs up on me, because I confronted him about the poor job and says to me I never told you the fabrication had a warranty so far I am not too impressed with his customer service and he owns the company. the jury is still out on that.
If anyone were to purchase A bike from e cells, I highly recommend get everything in writing emailed to you and make note of your conversations with him.
Now for the bike I love this bike so far it's doing everything what I need it to do it's absolutely a tank I've only had it for three weeks haven't been able to ride much but I am impressed so far. we will see as time passes the quality of this bike.
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I am going to be brutally honest because that's what we should do on forums.
Prior to purchasing this bike I spoke to the owner of the company and told him I do not want to buy a bike, that a deer cart mounts to the frame by the rear tire axle. I told him I was going to be using a Rambo cart he told me he could have the rear rack fabricated by someone locally. well after receiving the bike and seeing the job they've done the people who did the job are not fabricators. it was a waste of time because the Carrier will not connect to the rack after discussing it with him, he hangs up on me, because I confronted him about the poor job and says to me I never told you the fabrication had a warranty so far I am not too impressed with his customer service and he owns the company. the jury is still out on that.
If anyone were to purchase A bike from e cells, I highly recommend get everything in writing emailed to you and make note of your conversations with him.
Now for the bike I love this bike so far it's doing everything what I need it to do it's absolutely a tank I've only had it for three weeks haven't been able to ride much but I am impressed so far. we will see as time passes the quality of this bike.
My standard is brutal honesty interspersed with lies for embellishment.
I mentioned this in a reply I just wrote to one of your me recent posts, but just because it's worth shouting from the rooftops: Even if you get it in writing, a commitment from E-Cells unfortunately doesn't seem worth the digital ink it's printed with. David personally agreed in an email, in black and white, to let me trade in my multi-issue Super Monarch 1000W AWD for a new model that seemed to not have the issues my model had (for one this, it would have the correct controller). Then Neva (his wife maybe?) called me and said they actually wouldn't honor the commitment David made at all. Wouldn't give a reason, and hung up on me when I continued to ask how they justified not honoring what David put in writing.

The cherry on top was Neva at one point saying that they'd "already given [me] a lot"... she was referring to a paint pen they sent when the cheap black paint started flaking off (showing they'd sprayed a cheap, thin black coat over of one of their orange models. The orange itself flaked off to rust-ready bare metal in some areas), a brake rotor to replace the damaged one I received, and a heavily used (I didn't care that it was used, it's a kickstand foot, but it's in keeping with their IDGAF customer service attitude) kickstand foot they sent to replace the one that fell off somewhere and disappeared within my first few miles of easy city riding.

E-Cells sold a "hunting bike" that couldn't make it through a few weeks of light city commuting without starting to shed its "skin" and literally fall apart, eventually dying completely mid-commute when the controller burned out. And then they wanted credit for mailing a few cheap, shoddy "solutions" to the problems they created. They sell you a leaky boat, then want applause for mailing a Dixie cup to bail it out.
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I mentioned this in a reply I just wrote to one of your me recent posts, but just because it's worth shouting from the rooftops: Even if you get it in writing, a commitment from E-Cells unfortunately doesn't seem worth the digital ink it's printed with. David personally agreed in an email, in black and white, to let me trade in my multi-issue Super Monarch 1000W AWD for a new model that seemed to not have the issues my model had (for one this, it would have the correct controller). Then Neva (his wife maybe?) called me and said they actually wouldn't honor the commitment David made at all. Wouldn't give a reason, and hung up on me when I continued to ask how they justified not honoring what David put in writing.

The cherry on top was Neva at one point saying that they'd "already given [me] a lot"... she was referring to a paint pen they sent when the cheap black paint started flaking off (showing they'd sprayed a cheap, thin black coat over of one of their orange models. The orange itself flaked off to rust-ready bare metal in some areas), a brake rotor to replace the damaged one I received, and a heavily used (I didn't care that it was used, it's a kickstand foot, but it's in keeping with their IDGAF customer service attitude) kickstand foot they sent to replace the one that fell off somewhere and disappeared within my first few miles of easy city riding.

E-Cells sold a "hunting bike" that couldn't make it through a few weeks of light city commuting without starting to shed its "skin" and literally fall apart, eventually dying completely mid-commute when the controller burned out. And then they wanted credit for mailing a few cheap, shoddy "solutions" to the problems they created. They sell you a leaky boat, then want applause for mailing a Dixie cup to bail it out.
I feel your Pain... Neva was his wife, she is divorced from him. David put her up to telling you that. I am reporting him to the Dept of consumer affairs in NV. I was told from a worker who just quit after telling me that he lies about the reviews that he does not post the bad ones, thats against the law She also said to sell this bike in spring.that speaks volumes to me.
You can not make this up!!!
Pahrump. The asshole of Nevada. Sadly these sorts of resellers victimize n00bs. Sadly if more experienced eBikers usually get called out for pointing out bullshit. Their site reeks of BS. I’m sorry you were taken.