My helmet's are always loose, even with tight straps.


I'm a thinner guy and my helmets have always sat a little more loosely than I'd like. I currently have a Smith Convoy with mips and the wheel tightens it snug to my skull. I keep the straps as tight as I can without pulling the helmet too low, but when cruising downhill over 20 mph, my helmet can get blown back. If I grab the straps under my chin and pull down, it doesn't budge so it would seem that tightening would be the fix. But it doesn't help. I've had the same issue with all my helmets. I've watched plenty of videos and read articles about tightening helmets, and tried shortening the front and lengthening the back and vice versa, but no luck.

Anybody else have this issue and find a solution? Have I missed a key step in configuring my straps?

Thank for any help or suggestions.
I’ve got a bigger noggin and have trouble with them being too small. I have a Borntrager Wavecell helmet and it fit me fine. Going into a strong headwind mine stays put without the straps really doing anything. Is the hement just not the right size for you?
I’ve got a bigger noggin and have trouble with them being too small. I have a Borntrager Wavecell helmet and it fit me fine. Going into a strong headwind mine stays put without the straps really doing anything. Is the hement just not the right size for you?
The wife and I were discussing trying a smaller size. I tried my wife's old Bell that's labeled for 50-57 cm just now. Could barely get it on, it's so snjg With straps tight, it also slides back. I can push on the forehead and it will go back to the middle\top of my head. Maybe this is normal for most of us?? Do most helmets tend to have the forehead push\slide back when going faster downhill (20mph+)? Or do most helmets push back that way even when they are properly fitted to the wearer?

My current helmet (med) is labeled for 55-59 cm and my current head measures 56 cm. Maybe I don't get the stability others get because of how skinny I am. I'll try a bandana under the helmet on my next ride. The plastic\wheel part in the back of the helmet should press against the knot in the bandana hopefully preventing the helmet from sliding back. Or maybe I'm trying to achieve the impossible.
When we bought our bikes they helped get me the right sized helmet. Mine does not slide back on my head and I often hit 30 mph or more going down hills. I can push mine back but the wind won’t do it.
My current helmet (med) is labeled for 55-59 cm and my current head measures 56 cm. Maybe I don't get the stability others get because of how skinny I am.
Your helmet covers too many sizes and you are towards the small side. No wonder it slides around. My Fox Rampage comes in XS,S,M,L, XL & 2X. I think the one I bought covered 2 cm. It cost $199 and covers my chin. Since I always fall on my chin and never on the top side or back of my head, I view this as important. Broke it the last fall in 2018. I tried to buy a chin guard helmet before the accident, but the search engines could only find me closed motorcycle helmets. The Rampage has numerous vents covered with mesh to keep out tree branches.
One purchaser complained his Rampage was too heavy to wear. I'm ex- Army, and I think he needed to do more pushups with his helmet on. I'm age 71 and still do a few, but leaning on a chair back, not horizontal.
Happy shopping & riding.
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Have I missed a key step in configuring my straps?

Thank for any help or suggestions.

Have you tried adjusting the height of the rear harness? I think there are 4 positions it can clip into? Get it as low as you can tolerate so it pulls down under the back of your skull but without restricting neck movement.
So glad I asked !!
All great suggestions. I'll go back to my LBS to get a fitting. It's been 10 years since my last one.
PDoz, I adjusted it as low as it would go. Only 3 positions on this helmet and it was in the 2nd already, but dropping to the lowest position helped. It resolved as much as 70% of the movement sliding back. I'll go for a ride after my new bike arrives in a few days to test.

Thank you !!
My problem is my Bern helmet wants to creep down over my eyes. Tightening the adjuster seems to help somewhat.
Have you tried going to your LBS and getting a "professional" helmet fitting?
I wish there was a LBS near me that has a large stock. No go! Fat head hard to fit. Was a nightmare with MC helmets too.