My experience with warranty work


Active Member
On June 9, while riding my Pedego City Commuter to work (a 21-miles-each-way commute), I had the battery conk out halfway there. I thought maybe I hadn't plugged the charger in correctly, because I typically have 30-40% of my battery left when I arrive at my destination. So, I pedaled the rest of the way to work.

Once I got there, I pulled my battery and went inside and hooked up my charger, making sure the red light was on. When I checked it about 2.5 hours later, it had gone from red to green. Normally, it takes about 4 hours to charge a 60% depleted battery, so I was suspicious. I took the battery back out to my bike to see what the LCD would tell me about the amount of charge the battery had reached. When I slid the battery in, the bike powered up. Normally, I need to hit the power button on the LCD to get it to energize. The LCD indicated that the battery was at 100%.

I powered the bike down at the LCD and tried to power it back up to check if the LCD would say the same thing when the bike hadn't powered itself on with the insertion of the battery, but I was unable to get the bike to power up from the LCD.

I went back into work and, at the end of the day, prepared to head home, only to find out that the bike, while powered up, still provided no motor assist in either throttle or pedal assist mode. I rode about halfway home, at which point my wife picked my lazy butt up and drove me the rest of the way. (In my defense, the FeelsLike temperature was over 100 degrees :))

I had submitted information about the situation through the Pedego web site at lunch with a follow-up later in the day. I never heard back from those submissions.

Once I got home, I gave Pedego a call (they're West Coast time and I'm East Coast, so I was still catching them during their open hours). I spoke with Chris, who said that he knew he had some notes on the exact situation I described and promised to call me back within 10 minutes.

5 minutes later, he called me and gave me a rundown of what he thought the issue likely was based on his notes. He promised to send me a new control box (which is installed in the battery slot between the battery and the seat post) and if that didn't solve it, a new battery. He indicated that if we had to resort to Plan B, I would need to take the existing battery to a recycling center as there's no way to return the battery without me having a hazmat certification.

I got an email the next day from Chris asking me to confirm my ZIP code because my address was showing as inaccurate in their address validation system. At 3:23PM on June 11, I got an automated email with a copy of an invoice specifying what was being sent. I followed up by asking when I should expect to get the control box as I hoped to be riding again the following week. They sent me a UPS tracker that indicated I should expect the package on or about 6/18.

Once the package arrived, I had a control box with about a dozen sets of wires hanging out of it, and no instructions. Fortunately, MOST of the wires were color coded the same from the control box to the bicycle (though 2 or 3 were not, so make sure to do one wire at a time). Swapping it out was pretty simple.

Unfortunately, with my busy weekend schedules, it took a couple of weeks before I could smoke test the bike to where I would feel comfortable commuting to work again. I started riding again this week on July 9 & 10. I didn't have any problems with it!

Here's the kicker, though: On day #2 back in the saddle, I discovered that the new control box had upgraded capabilities. Where before you had to put the bike in Mode 0 (no pedal assist) to use the throttle, now the throttle works no matter what mode you're in! No more having to start out from stop signs for a half revolution on my own strength! It took care of my ONLY (very small) complaint about the City Commuter!

I asked how much a new control box would be if it wasn't covered by the warranty, and was told $68 for the City Commuter and $70 for the other cruiser (the name escapes me).
Awesome writeup @FitzChivalry, glad to hear the issue was resolved and also that Pedego has upgraded the way throttle and pedal assist work together! I heard rumblings of this but it's great to hear a first hand account. It sounds like you've been getting a lot of use from your City Commuter :)
Update: I am going to be working with Pedego this week on an issue of unintended acceleration (kinda like Toyota dealt with last year!). When I'm coasting and am set at other than 0 on the console, when I get down to between 4 and 7 m.p.h., the motor will kick in even when my hand is nowhere near the throttle. I had it happen a couple of times before I tested it by coasting on a long stretch and was able to reproduce the problem pretty consistently. Fortunately, the handbrake override of the motor still works and I pretty infrequently coast, so it'll be a problem I can probably get used to, but it's still something Pedego needs to know about.
And here's the last chapter in this experience.

Pedego sent me a new control box when I reported my original issue. When it arrived in the mail, I promptly started pulling cables from the existing one until I got half of them disconnected and THEN realized that maybe I should have taken one off, put one one, taken another off, and so on. But by then the damage was done. I paired cable connectors up by color and started riding again. That's when the unintended acceleration issues started.

After numerous emails back and forth with the tech department, working both with Paul Auclair and Chris (hey, guys!), they sent out a second control box replacement, new LCD, and new throttle controller. I had my LBS install them, telling the mechanic to make sure not to repeat my mistake w/r/t enthusiastically pulling cable connectors.

In the meantime, Paul or Chris sent me a wiring assembly photo:


When I compared it with the bike, I found that I had made some logical but erroneous decisions when pairing cables. You'd think that black-white on one side would go with black-white on the other, but you'd be wrong. Once I corrected the wiring connections and took it for a commute to work (two days ago), I had no problems at all.

Throughout, I found the Pedego techs to be very personable, extremely helpful, and gracious. I can't recommend them highly enough!
My experience with a Pedego Comfort Cruiser was a nightmare. That bike had more problems than any other new purchase ever. It broke down constantly. On top of that they show 100% customer satisfaction and I have personally posted a poor review on their web site. They just don't let it post. Pretty simple to have a high rating when you throw away the not so happy reviews.

Also, my dealer told me they did not know how to work on the electrical portion of the bike. I had to do the repairs myself.
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Just be glad you don't have a M5 OptiBike. If anything goes wrong with it, you have to ship the whole bike back to the factory in Bolder. I have a friend that has one, and it's been back to the factory three times in as many years, with serious failures each time.
Just be glad you don't have a M5 OptiBike. If anything goes wrong with it, you have to ship the whole bike back to the factory in Bolder. I have a friend that has one, and it's been back to the factory three times in as many years, with serious failures each time.

In that case I am glad I don't have the OptiBike. My problems stopped when I got rid of the Pedego. I will have to give Pedego the highest grades when it comes to being polite and getting the parts to me to repair the bike. The bike was still junk but it was nice not having to beg for the parts to fix it.
My experience with a Pedego Comfort Cruiser was a nightmare. That bike had more problems than any other new purchase ever. It broke down constantly. On top of that they show 100% customer satisfaction and I have personally posted a poor review on their web site. They just don't let it post. Pretty simple to have a high rating when you throw away the not so happy reviews.

Also, my dealer told me they did not know how to work on the electrical portion of the bike. I had to do the repairs myself.

When I was looking for an ebike, I once read through most of their reviews, thinking it must be a perfect company making a perfect bike. But it was hard to believe no one ever had a problem, or just got a bad one. Kind of sad.
When I was looking for an ebike, I once read through most of their reviews, thinking it must be a perfect company making a perfect bike. But it was hard to believe no one ever had a problem, or just got a bad one. Kind of sad.

Hi George,

Thru Courts reviews I have learned the components are cheap. I am positive they have had numerous problems. One man wrote and said he was away on vacation and his Pedego broke down and couldn't use it after hauling it around. Simply put they are liars and I don't buy anything from liars. My less expensive ebike has out performed the Pedego in every way except one. I like Pedegos frames. They are quality bike frames but my Magic Pie has more power and is reliable. The 48 volt battery and their 1000 watt gearless hub motor gives me 26 mph on the ebike with a 26" wheel and my trike goes 22 mph with a 24" wheel but it has more torque.

I do think the bike was a lemon but my real objection is that they are liars.
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That's awesome! Pedego is a great company to work with. Their customer service is top notch!

Pedego lies and cheats. I have posted bad reviews on their websie and they just don't publish and lie that they have a 100 % positive comments. This is an out and out lie. I am going to all reviews I see for Pedego and start telling the truth about Pedego.
Pedego lies and cheats. I have posted bad reviews on their websie and they just don't publish and lie that they have a 100 % positive comments. This is an out and out lie. I am going to all reviews I see for Pedego and start telling the truth about Pedego.
Nebula - I'm sorry you had a bad experience with them. I have many happy customers with their bikes. Frankly I have yet to have trouble with their service, but that doesn't mean that problems don't happen. Regarding only publishing positive reviews, this is a bit alarming and not something I noticed before. I will be sure to check it out a bit more. I hope you continue to enjoy your current ebike. If there is some way I can be of service feel free to reach out.
Nebula - I'm sorry you had a bad experience with them. I have many happy customers with their bikes. Frankly I have yet to have trouble with their service, but that doesn't mean that problems don't happen. Regarding only publishing positive reviews, this is a bit alarming and not something I noticed before. I will be sure to check it out a bit more. I hope you continue to enjoy your current ebike. If there is some way I can be of service feel free to reach out.

Hi Chris,

I believe my bike was just a lemon and their bikes do not normally break down like mine did. I am fine with that. Every body is entitled to a lemon once in a while. I think their frames are beautiful and are strong without much flex.

The real problem is the false advertising. If you give me your email address I will forward my email from the survey company and then you can look to see if my post posted.

Don seemed like a nice guy and is very likeable. I was shocked to find he wont publish my post. I sent an email to the survey company as to when my post would post and did not receive a response.With this fake approval rating I don't think he is very nice guy but a person that is willing to spin the truth so he can make more money.

The local dealer told me they do not work on any of the electrical items as they don't know anything about them. A little training from Pedego would have helped.

I have been on Electric Bike Report spreading the word about Pedego. Don should loan me a bike for six months and I would find out if mine was a lemon. Of course he should stop being unethical and post all the reviews.

I am sorry if this hurts your sales but I can prove Pedego is being unethical and immoral.
Thanks for your posting Nebula, I'm really not concerned how this could impact my sales. I'm more concerned with customers knowing all the facts. That's just how I operate though. I do believe they should re-think their strategy with their reviews if it is how you claim. I will have to inquire with them about this. I do think the dealer you worked with should have some more electrical knowledge. The bikes are built modularly, but diagnostics does require some technical understanding. At least they were able to provide some support though.
Nebula - I'm sorry you had a bad experience with them. I have many happy customers with their bikes. Frankly I have yet to have trouble with their service, but that doesn't mean that problems don't happen. Regarding only publishing positive reviews, this is a bit alarming and not something I noticed before. I will be sure to check it out a bit more. I hope you continue to enjoy your current ebike. If there is some way I can be of service feel free to reach out.

It makes me wonder just how many bad reviews he received. It looks to me that he received so many bad reviews that if he posted all the bad reviews it would really hurt their sales. If he won't correct the problem then perhaps he should not have any reviews at all. This way he will not be a liar. I actually liked Don till I discovered his review secret. Did you read the post from George in this thread?
Thanks for your posting Nebula, I'm really not concerned how this could impact my sales. I'm more concerned with customers knowing all the facts. That's just how I operate though. I do believe they should re-think their strategy with their reviews if it is how you claim. I will have to inquire with them about this. I do think the dealer you worked with should have some more electrical knowledge. The bikes are built modularly, but diagnostics does require some technical understanding. At least they were able to provide some support though.
What do you mean "if"? What is your email and I will forward the email for the survey company. Do you really believe they never received a bad review and the company is perfect? It is out and out deception.