Amish David
Active Member
This is my bike build us far. It's been raining for 3 days straight now 4. I got bored so I thought I'd post where I was at on my bike build. I have completed my rear blinkers brake light and parking light. Finish my front fender installed a reflector as stated by law. I have a headlight also coming. Mounted the 12-volt motorcycle battery to the middle of the frame. I wanted to run my lights off a different battery then the one I will be running on my wheel hub to get further distance out of the bike. Most roads are 12 ft across, and you have to share the highway with cars and there are no shoulders. So for me it's all about safety and keeping my butt from getting ran over for those who think it's tacky. It's perfectly fine but this is how I choose to build this for my safety. Hope everyone has a great day