rich c
Well-Known Member
Just how many people in America do you think need help choosing an eBike in any one day? Got to be thousands! How many have it narrowed down to two? Same number? Thinking I could start a consulting business and make the decision for them. Just ask my wife of 48 years. I like making decisions for her, but it might just work on strangers. Second consulting category for my new business, a file of ways to convert that class 2 ebike they bought into a class 3 or faster that they really wanted in the first place. Third category, full instruction manual for anyone with zero tools and experience, on how to convert their 10 year old garage bicycle into a world class single trail mtb, commuter, long distance trekking bike with comfort and a seat that feels like a bean bag for under $750. And final category, a list of loosely patrolled trails that the motorcycle look alikes can ride as fast as they want. Good money there since they will absolutely need battery charging. Snowing here tonight and for the next few nights. Big enough wind speeds and wind chill so rode in the living room today. Just plenty of time for big ideas. Any help for more categories?