I just picked up my st 700 from assembly at a local bike shop. Everything is great except the display shows all numbers a decimal point off.
The mph shows 2.1 instead of 21, the trip odometer shows 1.5 instead of 15 miles, max speed shows 2.5 instead of 25. I have looked through the manual and watched the videos and do not see a fix. I emailed r1up, but being the weekend they are closed and I am impatient to try and fix it.
The mph shows 2.1 instead of 21, the trip odometer shows 1.5 instead of 15 miles, max speed shows 2.5 instead of 25. I have looked through the manual and watched the videos and do not see a fix. I emailed r1up, but being the weekend they are closed and I am impatient to try and fix it.