Mission Control Question


Well-Known Member
Pushing over 150mi my 1st week of Vado 5.0 ownership with minimal concerns.
Using the Mission Control app on my iPhone I had initially set it up on my daily use real deal iPhone XR and carried it in my bag.
But then I thought, I'm not gonna risk damage to my $1,000 iPhone, so I used an old iPhone 7 as the device to mount on my handlebar to communicate with Mission Control.
Great. Now I can use the features visually in real time.
However 2 items.
One is the first iPhone XR only shows the first 2 rides prior to 'switching over' to the other iPhone 7.
They both communicate via bluetooth to the Mission Control app, they both have wireless turned on and only 1 has a Sim card, the other is just my 'dummy' phone for the Mission Control app. (iPhone 7)

The 'My Rides' history on my Real Deal daily use iPhone XR which had the app installed at first only shows the very first 2 rides ever an no more.
The 'Dummy/Dedicated iPhone 7 shows all my rides , including the first 2 on the Real Deal iPhone XR phone.

They are both assigned to my Specialized account, same credentials, one account.

Why would one phone show everything and the other only the first 2? Should they not both be representative of all data everywhere?

Display always active is on as is Auto Start Active in settings (on both), so should they be pulling data from the Specialized cloud or?

Also, both phones are 'auto upload to Strava'.

I guess the point or confusion is not only my question about not being in sync on both devices, even if I wanted to access my Mission Control data online via a browser, can I? On my iPad too or no?

So if I want to know stats I can only access when the bike is turned on and communication with the app?

Like for example, if I wish to know my total mileage I can only interrogate the app while connected to the bike live?
Like for example, if I wish to know my total mileage I can only interrogate the app while connected to the bike live?
This is the only question I can answer as I don't use My Rides in Mission Control: Yes, you can only retrieve the bike information if you are connected to it. Your phone acts as a wireless bike display, and the odometer info is retrieved from the motor memory.
Thanks, it's a start, but as an example, I would be able to access my Trek info via the COBI app and know some of the stats while offline.
Just wondering if there was a way to know anything stored without being connected.
OK, Guru. Just started the MC on my phone without being connected to the bike. The history of all my rides when I was connected via the MC is there. So yes, it is possible to track your activities offline but I cannot answer your detailed questions.
Pushing over 150mi my 1st week of Vado 5.0 ownership with minimal concerns.
Using the Mission Control app on my iPhone I had initially set it up on my daily use real deal iPhone XR and carried it in my bag.
But then I thought, I'm not gonna risk damage to my $1,000 iPhone, so I used an old iPhone 7 as the device to mount on my handlebar to communicate with Mission Control.
Great. Now I can use the features visually in real time.
However 2 items.
One is the first iPhone XR only shows the first 2 rides prior to 'switching over' to the other iPhone 7.
They both communicate via bluetooth to the Mission Control app, they both have wireless turned on and only 1 has a Sim card, the other is just my 'dummy' phone for the Mission Control app. (iPhone 7)

The 'My Rides' history on my Real Deal daily use iPhone XR which had the app installed at first only shows the very first 2 rides ever an no more.
The 'Dummy/Dedicated iPhone 7 shows all my rides , including the first 2 on the Real Deal iPhone XR phone.

They are both assigned to my Specialized account, same credentials, one account.

Why would one phone show everything and the other only the first 2? Should they not both be representative of all data everywhere?

Display always active is on as is Auto Start Active in settings (on both), so should they be pulling data from the Specialized cloud or?

Also, both phones are 'auto upload to Strava'.

I guess the point or confusion is not only my question about not being in sync on both devices, even if I wanted to access my Mission Control data online via a browser, can I? On my iPad too or no?

So if I want to know stats I can only access when the bike is turned on and communication with the app?

Like for example, if I wish to know my total mileage I can only interrogate the app while connected to the bike live?
There are many limitations to Mission Control. You’ve highlighted several. the big ones are severe communications limits. You can’t get data to your phone outside of MC other than via Strava or Kamoot and if you cant merge separately run Strava and MC Strava into a single datum. And apparently you can’t sync data from two phones running MC.

Specialized and probably Bosch and the other vendors with sophisticated apps have along way to go to be truly useful from a mobile computing device POV. Since so many other product types that aim for mobile utility are similarly immature, we have a long way to go before we get tech in these areas that work as we’d like them to.
I just tried it also. MC connected to bike without it being on nor being closed to it.
The rides stay in App storage on your phone, but don’t sync with a Specialized server for reference elsewhere. You can view your past rides without being connected to your bike. As I mentioned earlier Specialized has a long way to go before their apps do what we expect.
Obviously this is a matter for Specialized to address. Sure, we use the app. Sure we see the data while using the app. However, if we wish to view, share or otherwise have access to the data without being in a close proximity to the bike in a turned on state and accessing with the application, we cannot utilize, view, see, share or have any ability to share of access the data. Seems a little odd, eh? This is the point of this post.
This is the only question I can answer as I don't use My Rides in Mission Control: Yes, you can only retrieve the bike information if you are connected to it. Your phone acts as a wireless bike display, and the odometer info is retrieved from the motor memory.
You can also total get mileage from the display's ODO function that can be setup for any of the display's 5 screens. Naturally the bike must be on to access this data.
I guess the point or confusion is not only my question about not being in sync on both devices, even if I wanted to access my Mission Control data online via a browser, can I? On my iPad too or no?
As far as I know, no, you cannot access the MC app from a browser. Your rides can be accessed through Strava or Komoot depending on your MC app settings. Komoot can be accessed through a browser. I'm not sure about Strava.
You cannot access the mileage or other settings via Strava, Komoot, etc. This is the point. Sure, you can see the ride data, but what about the other "stuff", that is the originality of the point attempting to be made and discussed.
You cannot access the mileage or other settings via Strava, Komoot, etc. This is the point. Sure, you can see the ride data, but what about the other "stuff", that is the originality of the point attempting to be made and discussed.
I am addressing your questions factually and honestly. If you don't want answers, don't ask questions.
Oh boy. For the love of God. Here we go. If you actually read the initial inquiry, and digested it correctly to answer it or offer an opinion as to a factual answer to the initial inquiry it would be great. The information you are offering is already know and the purpose of asking here in this forum with others who may have more knowledge than I is to find alternate solutions and answers.

Thank you for your contribution.
There are couple of people in this forum (among others) who always help everyone with facts and their experiences.
@Sierratim and @Stefan Mikes are these two.
We should be thankful and respectful to them and other amazing folks in this forum.
I know I will.
this is not meant to criticize you but a general statement.
I come here to contribute and to learn. Not to be given info that is already clarified in an original post/statement or already known.
If one thinks by providing info that is irrelevant is helpful, so be it.
One learns by asking questions.
I ask questions.
If I don't think the answer is relevant to the inquiry, I express my opinion.
So be it.
I'm in no way discounting anything that is being provided, just stay on track.
If I ask "is that black and white" and some tell me something about the moon being blue, I have a right to say, hey that's not what I asked.
First hand experience and real world results are needed to get solutions.
Not repeating irrelevant data.
I come here to contribute and to learn. Not to be given info that is already clarified in an original post/statement or already known.
If one thinks by providing info that is irrelevant is helpful, so be it.
One learns by asking questions.
I ask questions.
If I don't think the answer is relevant to the inquiry, I express my opinion.
So be it.
I'm in no way discounting anything that is being provided, just stay on track.
If I ask "is that black and white" and some tell me something about the moon being blue, I have a right to say, hey that's not what I asked.
First hand experience and real world results are needed to get solutions.
Not repeating irrelevant data.
Agree with your point but we can all respectfully express our disagreement or ask for clarification.
this is my last note on this. Please don’t think I am being critical of you.
I am not the one to correct others.
I am kind of prejudice toward the two mentioned individuals as they have helped me so much.