Mission Control App!


Active Member
Now that I am a proud Turbo owner, I figured I'd start a thread about Mission Control. I downloaded it and set it up, but I haven't played around with it much.

Does it work?
Do people like and use it?
What's it actually useful for?
Is it a gimmick or a game changer?

Please discuss...
The mission app certainly need development although it gives you fair abilities to tune your bike. One thing that is very irritating is that the odometer does not keep track of your total distance. The map function has a number of quite useless things with points of interest etc, but it also has the great connection to Strava. I do record most rides just because of the Strava connection.
I am still not 100% sure if the settings of the wheel circumference is a hidden way of controlling your cut-out speed. It seems as if cut-out speed is delimited by wheel rpm. If so, then setting a larger wheel circumference value will give you a higher cut-out speed (but also report a false speed on you bike control and in the Mission app). It would be great to hear peoples experience on this feature.
What is the point of putting in the distance/time and desired battery remaining? Does it then adjust your Eco ## to a level that it thinks will get you there with the correct battery % left? How can it possibly estimate that without dealing with hills and wind?

Also, is there a way to log in and see my stats online or is it just through the app (plus Strava)?

The power function is cool but does it only give you instant readings as of any given time without saving any of it?

Well, I tried the app for my commute home and when the battery was at around 54%, it cut power to Eco10 and wouldn't increase the level. I only had about 6 miles to go, so there was plenty of juice left. I suspect it's because I had put in my destination and yet I didn't go the "recommended" route and so the app was rerouting me to a "better" path and when I didn't follow it, it thought I might be going for a longer ride and cut back the power to Eco10.
Bummer- thanks to the documentation that was posted in a separate thread, I learned that only the Levo (not the Go Swiss hub-motor Turbos) can give rider power figures. Makes the idea of getting an iPhone mount for my bars less interesting.
Dont know if other have had any issues with their mission control but after 5 months of working flawless its now wonky. 1. it will not record speed when I pull "charts"
2. It will not upload to Strava
3. Although I used to set my Levo speeds at 10%, 25%, 40% and it still states they are still at those setting I can tell that the acceleration is at turbo and the speed settings are I supect stuck at 100% turbo. I supect this because my bike takes off like a rocket and just today rode up a 17% grade road with no hands the entire 2 miles even though the mission control said I was at 10%. There is no way I can ride up a hill that steep with no effort. My bike shop said Specialized said its my smart phone that is the problem. Gezzz
Riding is so easy now it not fun.
Dont know if other have had any issues with their mission control but after 5 months of working flawless its now wonky. 1. it will not record speed when I pull "charts"
2. It will not upload to Strava
3. Although I used to set my Levo speeds at 10%, 25%, 40% and it still states they are still at those setting I can tell that the acceleration is at turbo and the speed settings are I supect stuck at 100% turbo. I supect this because my bike takes off like a rocket and just today rode up a 17% grade road with no hands the entire 2 miles even though the mission control said I was at 10%. There is no way I can ride up a hill that steep with no effort. My bike shop said Specialized said its my smart phone that is the problem. Gezzz
Riding is so easy now it not fun.
Hi JPS. I have the exact same problems now... wrong charts recorded, no Strava and worst of all the power output is stuck at turbo! I have tried everything and nothing works. My battery now lasts for only 2,5 hours. Did you ever got the problem solved? Please advice
Actually I dont know exactly how it was fixed but will find out and get back to you. My bike shop finally figured it out but when I went to pick the bike up the guy who figured it out wasnt working that day. Let me talk to the shop this week and i'll give you the inside scoop.
Actually I dont know exactly how it was fixed but will find out and get back to you. My bike shop finally figured it out but when I went to pick the bike up the guy who figured it out wasnt working that day. Let me talk to the shop this week and i'll give you the inside scoop.
Thanks for answering. I wonder if you used the LightBlue App to double the speed of your bike. There might be a pattern there. I'll be waitng for your answer. I went out today again and is very annoying not to be able to set the desired power. People at SPZ here in Chile seem not to know how to solve the probelm. You're my only hope now.