Mission Control and Heart Rates


New Member
OK everyone, help me out with a brief understanding. Through my reading I have a simple assumption, please let me know if this is correct. I currently wear a Garmin HRM, did I read that it can connect with the Mission Control and I can set the assist to come on when I exceed a certain heart rate? That is pretty exciting if it is true as my cardio doctor wants me to stay below a certain zone to keep healthy given my previous issues. This would be easy.
Thanks ahead for your informative responses.
Yep. You do have to sort of … cooperate with it though. The fact that the motor is helping doesn’t mean you can’t keep pedaling harder and harder. It works better if you try and maintain a certain speed, and as the boost comes on, actually pedal a little bit less to let your heart rate stabilize. Just because the motor is providing the full 300W doesn’t mean you can’t keep pedaling at your absolute max, which clearly does nothing for your heart rate o_O

As an aside, make sure to update your mission control. The next-to-last version broke the heart rate display, even though the data was logged fully. Update of approximately a month ago fixed it!
a minor tidbit, which perhaps i never noticed when it occurred, is that at some point recently specialized appears to have added apple watch support for the heart rate logging. i went on a casual ride without my polar chest strap, but heart rate data still showed up. i had my apple watch on and i assume that’s where it was coming from…
Heart rate is a really slow way to gauge the effort. You can be working too hard for a few minutes before HR goes up. I used to try and watch HR for climbing hills but you've already overdone it by the time your HR starts to rise. I switched to power meters for my road bike and when riding them or the Creo I watch the rider power. I display and record HR and but don't watch it for effort.
Heart rate is a really slow way to gauge the effort. You can be working too hard for a few minutes before HR goes up. I used to try and watch HR for climbing hills but you've already overdone it by the time your HR starts to rise. I switched to power meters for my road bike and when riding them or the Creo I watch the rider power. I display and record HR and but don't watch it for effort.
power meter is definitely the best way to gauge effort! i wouldn’t ride a bike without one. i also need to keep an eye on my heart rate, but i always have a general sense anyway, so it’s more a confirmation than an active input. but if i think i’m pedaling strongly on a climb and look down and see 150 watts on the power, i know i need to work harder, usually involving a gear change.
I agree some people see power meters as a luxury item for training only but it's also a safety and riding enjoyment item. I was really happy to see it as an available parameter on the current models without have to add power pedals.
I obviously am missing something. I've never tracked either power or cadence. Which might explain my poor performance at my age. I should have been working more BACK THEN! :D
I agree some people see power meters as a luxury item for training only but it's also a safety and riding enjoyment item. I was really happy to see it as an available parameter on the current models without have to add power pedals.
with me its the only way I know how I am doing. some days I feel like I am doing well but the power meter shows different and some days I dont feel like I am doing well and the watt meter says otherwise. Plus its not effected by stop and goes like average speed is.
I obviously am missing something. I've never tracked either power or cadence. Which might explain my poor performance at my age. I should have been working more BACK THEN! :D
Proper minimum cadence is like driving a manual transmission and not lugging the engine with too low rpm's. Watching the Power meter is similar to driving an old car and not abusing the engine by too much "gas" pedal and breaking something. Heart rate is more like coolant temperature, it may be going too high before it shows red on the gauge. Fortunately you have an e-bike that includes both parameters (Cadence and Power) available to display.
Proper minimum cadence is like driving a manual transmission and not lugging the engine with too low rpm's. Watching the Power meter is similar to driving an old car and not abusing the engine by too much "gas" pedal and breaking something. Heart rate is more like coolant temperature, it may be going too high before it shows red on the gauge. Fortunately you have an e-bike that includes both parameters (Cadence and Power) available to display.
An excellent parallel drawn!
I was able to connect my heart rate monitor to my Turbo Vado 4.0 disply. It displays accurately during the ride but
when finished and I look at ride stats on Mission Control the rates displayed are not accurate at all. It shows average
heart rate of 104 with max and min both showing 159. I am wondering how to fix this.