MIleage mode and miles


New Member
I saw one of the posts member Brambor, posted 57 miles and still 18% battery left using the stock eco mode (30%). I am curious of others on here. How much do you weigh (If you care to post) flat land, hills, or mixed and how far are you getting on eco mode and more specifically if you keep it on turbo the whole time, how far have you been able to ride. I have not ridden it down yet, but was told at 20 percent it will kick from turbo mode into eco mode.
I have probably lost weight (and haven't weighed myself since spring) but I was 260 lbs in the spring. I get about 20miles in Turbo, 40 miles in eco and 40+ miles in eco by using regen or no assist on some downhills.
I just got my black 2014 Turbo S yesterday, but here's what I've seen so far:

I live at the top of a 3-mile, 1,000' hill. Coming up that fairly fast (not too fast, no knee cartilage left, hence the e-bike) in turbo mode takes up just about 25% of the battery.

I just took a 19-mile ride that used 54% of the battery. Subtracting the first 3-miles down that didn't use anything, and the last 3-miles up that used 25%, that means the other 13 miles took 29% of the battery. I'm 155lbs, and had it in Eco40% at 12-24mph other than the one big hill home. Most of the ride was pretty flat, at least for around here (somebody from Florida would no doubt call it hilly). Eco40 was really too fast - I was passing everybody and generally well over the 15mph trail speed limit - so at more reasonable speeds I'm sure I could go farther. I'm going to put Eco mode back to the stock 30%.

But just extrapolating from what I did, I used just over 2% per mile on the flattish bits. That means I could get around 45 miles riding similarly in Eco40. Cool, though of course I have to remember to only go ~30 miles to make sure I have enough to get up the last hill to home!
Probably worth remembering that the bike will revert to Eco once you hit 20% remaining. Of course, you can set Eco to 90% at that point if you want to get real close to turbo. I find Eco 50% lets me cruise at 19 to 20 mph easily so I use that a lot.

Oh and the motor will shut off completely at 4% charge remaining.
correct me if I'm wrong but once it gets to 20% it goes to the lowest possible eco no matter what your settings are. ?
The last time I had run it down that far I had Eco set to 50%, and it still felt like 50%. That said, it is entirely possible it was 30%. It is hard to tell the difference without an instant side-by-side test, honestly.
I am learning its really hard to gauge how far i will go, because it really depends on the environment. 20 miles is pretty normal using turbo. I have not ran it all the way in eco, but running eco for 8 mile trip then running turbo home i am still above 50 percent battery.
I just took a trip around the lake with my wife. 31 miles only used 42% of my battery. I'm really pleased - like Brambor I should easily be able to take similar trips of over 60 miles. This is considerably more range than I assumed I'd get when I bought the bike.

That was at ECO30 the whole way. It's mostly tiny rolling hills, but there's a few 50 - 200' hills, and one monster 1000' hill. Some wind, but not heavy (tailwind early on, headwind at the end). I'm 155lbs and we probably averaged around 18mph on the flats; obviously slower and faster when going up and down hills.