Well-Known Member
This article really hits the nail on the head regarding the interaction between auto's and bicycles I feel:

I assume that most of the posters here also drive cars and see this as much if not more than when on a bike? The three foot rule to avoid cyclists is there for a reason but I find that more take it to the extreme with little regard to oncoming traffic than not or ride on your tail, I would assume taking cyclists name in vain, until they can go blasting past.

I try to ride the white line at all times and use a rear view mirror to anticipate traffic but quite frankly these days I avoid trafficed roads as much as possible. I do admit that it does bug me when driving and folks are biking 2-3 abreast on the country type roads I use but don't honk or buzz them......I lived outside a city a few years ago on an island that was a popular riding venue for cyclists from the very near by city and saw lots of this going on. It's like just because there are fewer cars that is reason to take up the road. I mean share the road goes both ways....The worst was the Sunday ride peloton if you happened upon them as they would not give way for anyone and you needed an open spot to be able to pass them using the oncoming lane.

I got to know the island residents and as they knew I was a cyclist they would make it a point to mention to me how frustrating that type of cyclist is. I used the same route for the 3 years I was there and had my share of one finger salutes even though I feel I am extra cautious and riding an eBike at a decent rate of speed. Which that can even be a detriment as car drivers are used to seeing a cyclist and their perception of how fast you are going may be off as they expect you to be slower. I always count on this happening and knock on wood I have avoided any close calls to date.

Be careful out there!