Meet your new overlords.

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When I was a young I thought any new advancement was cool! Let's go! No perspective. I've owned personal computers since 1982 and now they run everything. Member John Peck had a great line (paraphrasing here), far too much time and labor spent earning money to pay for labor saving devices.

Now with some perspective some of these things we need to worry about. Labor saving robots are wiping out a lot of good paying jobs. Not everyone wants to code in a cubical.
Terrifying! People might be forced to start making stuff with their own two hands. Itś a real threat to
corporate serfdom. Bound to be repressed.
When I was a young I thought any new advancement was cool! Let's go! No perspective. I've owned personal computers since 1982 and now they run everything. Member John Peck had a great line (paraphrasing here), far too much time and labor spent earning money to pay for labor saving devices.

Now with some perspective some of these things we need to worry about. Labor saving robots are wiping out a lot of good paying jobs. Not everyone wants to code in a cubical.
I agree with some caveats, I mean I hate seeing good jobs go away but the flip side is theoretically if things are made without labor and there is true competition they'll get a lot cheaper so the things you buy will be cheaper and you'll have more money to spend elsewhere which will create jobs. then hopefully we're all working, or at least most of us, at good paying jobs but we end up with more stuff. It's like when Henry Ford started mass production of the model t, up until then cars were basically handmade and they were for rich people. My e-bike was expensive enough I imagine if the whole thing was handcrafted what it would cost. I think the fundamental changing of how society functions will eventually have to happen because assuming we don't die or kill ourselves off eventually there'll be nothing a human can do better than a robot. Robots will be designing other robots and building them etc. It might get to the point where it's a world full of robots slaves and humans don't have to work at all. Then you'll have to keep people's idle hands busy. I guess some hobbies
I agree with some caveats, I mean I hate seeing good jobs go away but the flip side is theoretically if things are made without labor and there is true competition they'll get a lot cheaper so the things you buy will be cheaper and you'll have more money to spend elsewhere which will create jobs. then hopefully we're all working, or at least most of us, at good paying jobs but we end up with more stuff. It's like when Henry Ford started mass production of the model t, up until then cars were basically handmade and they were for rich people. My e-bike was expensive enough I imagine if the whole thing was handcrafted what it would cost. I think the fundamental changing of how society functions will eventually have to happen because assuming we don't die or kill ourselves off eventually there'll be nothing a human can do better than a robot. Robots will be designing other robots and building them etc. It might get to the point where it's a world full of robots slaves and humans don't have to work at all. Then you'll have to keep people's idle hands busy. I guess some hobbies
It doesn't follow that planners who consider themselves above us, would plan to allow masses of idle people having to be supported by their Dear Mommy Irth.
Prince Philip let that cat out of the bag quite some time ago.
It doesn't follow that planners who consider themselves above us, would plan to allow masses of idle people being supported by their dear Mommy Irth.
Prince Philip let that cat out of the bag quite some time ago.
Oh I'm not saying it will be allowed I'm just saying it might get to the point where it'll be needed. Maybe it'll be a dystopian future where 98% of the Earth has no employment there's a small percentage of very well off, even better than Jeff bezos and Elon Musk, and it will use the robot armies to suppress us..... I don't know It just seems like it will get to the point where you won't need anybody for pretty much anything. All knowledge of a particular subject will be implanted into the robot. One or two robots will be able to come after your house and put a roof on it in a couple hours, work 24 hours a day, no pay, no health benefits, no retirement..... I know people who say what will we do without work and I get that but hopefully people could have hobbies that they will get to enjoy.
Philip said:
If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.
But not for himself. He had to have his offsprings and some extra just in case, to carry on his grandness.
Oh I'm not saying it will be allowed I'm just saying it might get to the point where it'll be needed. Maybe it'll be a dystopian future where 98% of the Earth has no employment there's a small percentage of very well off, even better than Jeff bezos and Elon Musk, and it will use the robot armies to suppress us..... I don't know It just seems like it will get to the point where you won't need anybody for pretty much anything. All knowledge of a particular subject will be implanted into the robot. One or two robots will be able to come after your house and put a roof on it in a couple hours, work 24 hours a day, no pay, no health benefits, no retirement..... I know people who say what will we do without work and I get that but hopefully people could have hobbies that they will get to enjoy.
Money is going digital. Credit will be based on social score . Not if you pay your bills . That's the new system coming . Do you have money in teh market ? If so move it to a money market or something with no principle risk . Because things are going to go down. Sell now.
Money is going digital. Credit will be based on social score . Not if you pay your bills . That's the new system coming . Do you have money in teh market ? If so move it to a money market or something with no principle risk . Because things are going to go down. Sell now.

Frontline had an episode on this that was being rolled out in China. Yeah, this whole social scoring system tied to freedom. Good behavior (higher score) is rewarded and bad behavior is punishable. I believe you could be denied in-country transit (rail, air) if it falls too low.

Using a single phone app via a facial recognition token to receive your pay, manage your banking/credit relationships, travel credentials, healthcare, social media access, make consumer purchases and to pay your bills. Even to the point of barcoding your home to track inventory (food, clothes, furniture) and a list of visitors to your home.

Of course, all this data is stored/consumed by the Government.

I don't see this ever happening in the US during my lifetime, but the fact this technology exists and the infrastructure being built to utilize it is already scary enough.
We seem to have had CCP/PLA troops deployed in Toronto last week against a lockdown protest. We knew from a government fumble last month letting information out by accident, that they had been training in Canada to fight on our terrain, but to be deployed against's coming fast, boys and girls.
Frontline had an episode on this that was being rolled out in China. Yeah, this whole social scoring system tied to freedom. Good behavior (higher score) is rewarded and bad behavior is punishable. I believe you could be denied in-country transit (rail, air) if it falls too low.

Using a single phone app via a facial recognition token to receive your pay, manage your banking/credit relationships, travel credentials, healthcare, social media access, make consumer purchases and to pay your bills. Even to the point of barcoding your home to track inventory (food, clothes, furniture) and a list of visitors to your home.

Of course, all this data is stored/consumed by the Government.

I don't see this ever happening in the US during my lifetime, but the fact this technology exists and the infrastructure being built to utilize it is already scary enough.
Sounds properly creepy
Believe it or not, there once was a time when mankind was largely self-sufficient. Today´s
youth is being given virtually no manual skills other than gaming, texting & keyboard. Thatś a shame
because making things with your hands can be very rewarding & a source of pride. Even if
all your doing is using a shovel to fight back dessert by halting erosion & planting things,
the reward is knowing you´ve done something good. Like Obama said, ¨ There´s a million
shovel-ready jobs out there.¨ There´s also a lot of folks afraid to get their hands dirty.
Fresh air & exercise never killed anyone.
Believe it or not, there once was a time when mankind was largely self-sufficient. Today´s
youth is being given virtually no manual skills other than gaming, texting & keyboard. Thatś a shame
because making things with your hands can be very rewarding & a source of pride. Even if
all your doing is using a shovel to fight back dessert by halting erosion & planting things,
the reward is knowing you´ve done something good. Like Obama said, ¨ There´s a million
shovel-ready jobs out there.¨ There´s also a lot of folks afraid to get their hands dirty.
Fresh air & exercise never killed anyone.
Classical Sci Fi reference: Time Machine by H G Wells ( I think ). Morloks and Eloi.
Believe it or not, there once was a time when mankind was largely self-sufficient. Today´s
youth is being given virtually no manual skills other than gaming, texting & keyboard. Thatś a shame
because making things with your hands can be very rewarding & a source of pride. Even if
all your doing is using a shovel to fight back dessert by halting erosion & planting things,
the reward is knowing you´ve done something good. Like Obama said, ¨ There´s a million
shovel-ready jobs out there.¨ There´s also a lot of folks afraid to get their hands dirty.
Fresh air & exercise never killed anyone.
That's one of the issues I guess, as automation takes over more and more physical tasks people need other things to do. You would hope hobbies would take the place for most but I guess some need to structure for the them to move. Me personally if I wasn't working for a long time I got a lot of things to do around the house in yard to keep me busy, and when the weather is cooperating take my bike out time to go fishing, etc, etc
Believe it or not, there once was a time when mankind was largely self-sufficient. Today´s
youth is being given virtually no manual skills other than gaming & keyboard. Thatś a shame
because making things with your hands can be very rewarding & a source of pride. Even if
all your doing is using a shovel to fight back dessert by halting erosion & planting things,
the reward is knowing you´ve done something good. Like Obama said, ¨ There´s a million
shovel-ready jobs out there.¨ There´s also a lot of folks afraid to get their hands dirty.
Fresh air & exercise never killed anyone.
Yes, if the currency fails, then machinists, welders, smelters, cabinetmakers, weavers, all sorts of trades would be the real "first line" support.
I do not believe, however, that humans have ever been largely self-sufficient as singles, couples, families. We are group monkeys. We wouldn't recognize what a self sufficient person would look like. Farmer?Hunter?Trapper?Fisher?....Scavenger.
Yes, if the currency fails, then machinists, welders, smelters, cabinetmakers, weavers, all sorts of trades would be the real "first line" support.
I do not believe, however, that humans have ever been largely self-sufficient as singles, couples, families. We are group monkeys. We wouldn't recognize what a self sufficient person would look like. Farmer?Hunter?Trapper?Fisher?....Scavenger.
Civilization began as the last ice age wained. Finally agriculture could take hold. People banded together in camps and then villages and then towns. Then the real wars began.
Civilization began as the last ice age wained. Finally agriculture could take hold. People banded together in camps and then villages and then towns. Then the real wars began.
Finally agriculture could take hold. Then the real peace began, then the real wars began.
Frontline had an episode on this that was being rolled out in China. Yeah, this whole social scoring system tied to freedom. Good behavior (higher score) is rewarded and bad behavior is punishable. I believe you could be denied in-country transit (rail, air) if it falls too low.

Using a single phone app via a facial recognition token to receive your pay, manage your banking/credit relationships, travel credentials, healthcare, social media access, make consumer purchases and to pay your bills. Even to the point of barcoding your home to track inventory (food, clothes, furniture) and a list of visitors to your home.

Of course, all this data is stored/consumed by the Government.

I don't see this ever happening in the US during my lifetime, but the fact this technology exists and the infrastructure being built to utilize it is already scary enough
Nobody thought a year ago we'd see a Global crash of the Economy . Let alone from a bug . But we did . They have to world right where they want it . Why would they ever allow it to recover ? Maybe not or probably so ? ;) But we don't want to scare the ...........................................................

Skynet introduces its cute dancing robot. Aww cute eh. 😱
Really funny until they can make them cheap enough to take your job. They won't go sick, they won't ask for a holiday, they won't ask for decent working conditions, they won't ask to be paid, they won't strike for better pay, they won't need breaks, they will work 24 hours a day. Not so funny now are they.
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