Meet your new overlords.

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When I was a young I thought any new advancement was cool! Let's go! No perspective. I've owned personal computers since 1982 and now they run everything. Member John Peck had a great line (paraphrasing here), far too much time and labor spent earning money to pay for labor saving devices.

Now with some perspective some of these things we need to worry about. Labor saving robots are wiping out a lot of good paying jobs. Not everyone wants to code in a cubical.
When I was a young I thought any new advancement was cool! Let's go! No perspective. I've owned personal computers since 1982 and now they run everything. Member John Peck had a great line (paraphrasing here), far too much time and labor spent earning money to pay for labor saving devices.

Now with some perspective some of these things we need to worry about. Labor saving robots are wiping out a lot of good paying jobs. Not everyone wants to code in a cubical.
Some day one of these will be helping you around the house and will take care of you in your old age.🤔
I, Robot indeed!
Some day one of these will be helping you around the house and will take care of you in your old age.🤔
I, Robot indeed!
I, Robot but without the three laws of robotics ... so much simpler and easier to code when there is no corporate liability for killing a human or two . Progress!
I wish all the mental and creative and analytical energy scientists put in to making robots was put into figuring out how to extract all the plastic we have dumped into the sea. But I'm just an eco-warrior snowflake. A killjoy.
I wish all the mental and creative and analytical energy scientists put in to making robots was put into figuring out how to extract all the plastic we have dumped into the sea. But I'm just an eco-warrior snowflake. A killjoy.
All we have to do is make it profitable, and solutions will appear like magic.
Yeah, plastic floating throughout the sea is terrible. Most coming from Asia/India. But we all now have micro plastic particles in our bodies and we can't get them out. I would link an article but there are so many when searching I couldn't choose one. :confused:
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