Max Programable Speed Not As High As Claimed?


As I'm waiting for my 700 to arrive, been looking at the manual online to learn about it before I get it. Under "Speed setting" it says, "Speed limit range is 12Km/h to 40Km/h." 40Km/h is 24.8mph." Ride1up advertises 28mph.

Not only that, it comes at a "Default Value" at 25Km/h. That is 15.5mph. So according to Ride1up Display manual (page 9), when you get the bike, it's only set up to go 15.5mph, and the max possible is 24.8.

I'm asuming the bike will go 28, but I'm wondering why the manual says it comes set up to only go 15, and the max is 24? I would think a bike that claimed 28 and you got it only to go 15 we would hear about that.

Remember!!! no need for everyone to chime in saying yours will go 28, that's not the question. It's why does the manual say it goes 15mph when you get it, and the fastest you can program it is 24mph?

Thank you,
Settings on my display won't go past 25 mph. I also have the controller set at like 11.2 amps or so and not sure how that affects the settings.
This makes me really mad. I had it down between a level 2, rad city 4, 20 mph. Or the R1u 700, level 3, 28mph.
You can go into the controls and put the rad bike up to 25. The few mile per hour difference is what tipped me in favor of the 700. I figured my rad friends would be going 25 and I’d be going 28.

After I buy the bike, I find out that the level 2 bike is the same speed as this level 3 bike.

I hope that there’s some other explanation for this because this is extremely disappointing.

Thank you for the reply,
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I had thought most bikes said motor/throttle cuts out assist at 20 mph. With PAS you can go faster up to 28. Sounds like maybe parameter on your bike set wrong. My son used his Ride1up 500 out of the box and it went 25 mph easy without changing the parameter settings. Maybe send Ride1up an e mail and ask them about the top speed setting issue. Top speed may be affected by other factors including weight of rider, gear you are in, how fast you are pedaling, etc. I have a similar issue with my Espin Sport. Comes limited to 20 mph but supposedly it can be raised to 28. I have not tried to do it but there are no instructions and manual says do not change parameters.
Thank you for the replies.

Weight of the rider, what gear you’re in, how fast you’re paddling, etc. doesn’t matter if the controls set a max speed at 25 when they advertise 28.

When I bought my bike I was kind of nervous and sent them a bunch of emails. I was trying to give them a break and didn’t wanna clog up their day with more emails when their swamped.

Not sure about that. I had that bike and was able to set the max speed at 28 mph in the menus. Sold it though so can’t check that.
Bikeman, I received my 700 in the middle of June. Unless they have made a change, the maximum that the motor will assist is to 40 kph/25 mph. I can sometimes get to a higher speed, but it is only because I am pedaling my tail off to do it. I tried tricking the controller by changing wheel sizes and it did not seem to allow me to get the motor assist to a higher speed. Changing the wheel size mostly gave me inaccurate indicated speed. The rest of the bike is pretty nice and I don't think that it is worth sending back because it is slower than advertised. I do agree with you that it is deceptive to advertise 28 when the controller has no capability to support that claim.
The old APT 500C LCD instructions says, "8.8 Speed limit : Press UP/DOWN will change speed limit, range 10km/h~60km/h. Default value is 25km/h." Newer LCD instructions say 40km/h max. 500's LCD also.