Made a magnet on zazzle hoping to reduce theft


Active Member
Anti-theft magnet
so you think a thief will care? in all likelihood it will be a challenge for them to locate and disable. better to have the tracker and no indication of such then to broadcast it. I use a boomerang gps tracker on mine.

I have a big sign on my locked back yard gates that says Beware of Guard dogs, I have 2 large and well trained dogs, a German Shepherd and a Tibetan Mastiff, both breeds are very protective.

still have had dumbasses hop the fence into my yard, and s*it themselves when they come face to face with an angry dog, especially if my wife and/or daughter are home. .
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I don't have a tracker. Just made a 2.5 x 3.5 inch magnet. Costs about 10 bucks including shipping. I'd rather deter the crime in the first place than get my bike stolen and hopefully recovered. Every little bit helps I suppose.
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I don't have a tracker. Just made a magnet. Costs about 10 bucks including shipping. I'd rather deter the crime in the first place than get my bike stolen and hopefully recovered. Every little bit helps I suppose.
well good luck. in my experience thieves don't care or can't read.
well good luck. in my experience thieves don't care or can't read.
Smart people can do dumb things. Maybe it was Einstein who said the only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits? I plan on getting a tracker eventually too though. Maybe an alarm.
soyabean, might you be thinking about selling them? I might be interested in buying one and suspect others may be as well. I'm sure the forum has rules against advertising but perhaps you can just answer my question.
Why would I want to venture into such a false fake scam of a product?
Because when it comes to theft prevention anything that helps us keep our bikes is a good thing. Granted, this little magnet thing is untested. But common sense suggests that it could potentially prevent a crime. Tiny one time cost, no subscription fee, easy to mount/remove/reuse. Don't need to purchase a premade one. Anyone can design their own in about 5 minutes. It took me a few minutes to design it and cost me about 10 bucks including shipping. Maybe ask why not? I'm contemplating doing magnet designs that'll cover the Lectric logos on the frame next if I can find a slender rectangular bumper sticker shape magnet blank. Get the utility of hiding the electric bike graphics without any permanent commitment.
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For less effort and probably less money you can actually do something more effective:

My thinking is the best theft prevention is with a combination of various methods. Tracking, registrations, alarms, using our brains for more than just bike helmet racks, locks, and maybe a sign/magnet warning to potential thieves will help.
If anyone needs a hint about how to get these magnets, they can start a conversation with me. Mine are already on order. They're a little more than a USfiver each and if you're fluent in English, you can get a 20% discount now now now! just by copying and pasting, but I'll reveal those secrets as well.
If anyone needs a hint about how to get these magnets, they can start a conversation with me. Mine are already on order. They're a little more than a USfiver each and if you're fluent in English, you can get a 20% discount now now now! just by copying and pasting, but I'll reveal those secrets as well.
Magnets won't stick to non ferrous metals like aluminum bike frames. Do you ride a steel frame bike?
Caught me! I had already decided to solve the magnet removability issue with a nice even invisible layer of epoxy, and may even contemplate a coat or two of spray epoxy clear coat over the top of the magnet just to piss off the little pea brain that thinks he might be able to get a finger nail underneath the edge to render it, uh, false (?) (little bastard isn't thinking very well).
Magnets won't stick to non ferrous metals like aluminum bike frames. Do you ride a steel frame bike?
Mine will be kept under my phone in my top bag or on my lock. If I leave my bike and remove my phone the sign/magnet will be visible.
Mine will be kept under my phone in my top bag or on my lock. If I leave my bike and remove my phone the sign/magnet will be visible.
Hopefully the magnet won't be strong enough to interfere with the phone's memory.