That's only true if you purchase items that don't break. However, if you purchase sophisticated items that can potentially have factory defects or suddenly stops working prematurely, then it's hard to go after the seller from outside the country.More local competition to Luna will probably follow.
But... When (most) everything is manufactured in China, it's only logical to sell direct, eliminating local US and European retailers. This is already happening.
That's only true if you purchase items that don't break...potentially have factory defects or suddenly stops working prematurely, then it's hard to go after the seller from outside the country.
This is a thinking consumer's point of view ... How many of them are? A lot of people want it cheap, cheap, they don't think about what may happen. A promise of refund will often suffice.... if you purchase sophisticated items that can potentially have factory defects or suddenly stops working prematurely, then it's hard to go after the seller from outside the country.
I just ordered the kit for our daughter who keeps complaining she can't keep up with us.
I'm not here to pump Luna but this is a great price $750 for the combination. If you upgrade to 13AH 52V battery the total is $825 for the combo. Ordered separately the price is $965. Saving $140 sounds pretty good.
Court J.
Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to jump on that.
My Luna build: cheap, ugly and fast