LTD shipped! - arriving Sep 4th

The new generation of LMT'D will include the KD218 LCD display instead of the APT-500C LCD of the previous generation. Hopefully, someone who receives a new gen LMT'D can test out the power percentage settings on the new LMT'D KD218 LCD to see if they are both available AND functional and provide some detailed feedback on the effect of those changes, such as going from one extreme to another on PAS 1 to see how that affects maximum output power with moderate pedaling and the resulting speed on level roads. These are the settings that I'm referring to, as shown in a picture of the KD218 power settings on a current gen 700 series:


LumpyDog did a similar pedal assist test on the LMT'D over a month ago, but it was with a previous generation LMT'D with an APT-500C LCD display, so he was not able to tweak the power levels to compare PAS 1 at 10% vs 50%, as an example. Here is a link to that:

LumpyDog's pedal assist test in Gen1 LMT'D
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