Loud Bicycle Horn (Car Horn for Bicycles)


Staff member
This is pretty cool! Was just shared with me by a friend and I thought it could be handy for electric bikes. The "Loud Bicycle Horn" combines two notes to sound like a car's horn and it mounts on the downtube near the front of the bike using bolts (may not work with all bike designs).

  • Water resistant, you can use it in the rain
  • Loudness: 112 Decibels, like a typical car horn
  • Pitch: Just like a compact car, low tone ~420 Hz,
    high tone ~500 Hz
  • Honk duration: up to 30 seconds straight, but please be respectful
  • Batteries: Mini USB rechargeable, lithium batteries that will last 1-2 months
  • Dimensions: 6x4.5x4 inches at its widest extent
  • Weight: Less than 23 ounces
Reminds me of something whimsical I saw a few years back... Nathan Airchime KH3A Train Horn - 140 db, rider with needed ear protection. I always hoped I have an opportunity to share it someplace.

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I don't use one but the AirZounds seems pretty popular around these parts.


The world’s loudest bicycle horn, the Airzound easily clamps onto any 22-26mm handlebar. Ideal for urban riding when you need to let traffic know you’re there! This revolutionary bike air horn requires no batteries or cartridges and refills with any bike pump. The volume control switch makes it easy to adjust this bike horn to your surroundings.

Super Loud 115 db
  • No batteries or cartridges required
  • Volume control switch
  • Clamp for mounting on 22 - 26mm handlebar
  • Refills with any bike pump
  • 35" from bottle to clamp Can be extended additional 35" with uption Tube Extension Kit
  • Weight: 227g
Reminds me of something whimsical I saw a few years back... Nathan Airchime KH3A Train Horn - 140 db, rider with needed ear protection. I always hoped I have an opportunity to share it someplace.
That's pretty awesome... but also disturbing. I hope the people on the street were wearing earplugs too :(
Airzound to the rescue. I bought the "Orp" horn thinking pedestrians would clear away since my bell gets no respect at all. Sad to say pedestrians also ignore the Orp horn just the same and I just wasted my 50 bucks. Ouch!

Later, I bought the 30 buck airzound and it is loud enough to command respect from pedestrians and clear away to give space.



The tank is so light that you can just velcro it to the handlebar cable cluster.
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Command respect? You think we are special since we ride a bicycle? Just relax and share the path.

That's not what I meant, there are pedestrians walking at the bicycle trails that occupy the whole space and are oblivious to their surroundings. Me, coming from behind with my bell wildly ringing, these people totally ignore the sound and continue to block the path.

That's what I meant when I said my bicycle bell gets no respect while the air horn commands some respect.

These people are not considerate to other pedestrians, joggers, or cyclists.
The ones that annoy me (whether pedestrians or cyclists) are those that blast music or use earbuds/headphones so they can't hear your bell/announcement. Otherwise my experience is that most pedestrians are pretty cooperative if you announce yourself well in advance of overtaking them. I just slow down and wait for them to move over. I see more instances where bikers ride slowly side by side so they can converse, taking up the whole trail, and don't seem to care that you are trying to go around them. To be honest, I see more discourteous behavior from bike riders than I do from walkers.
At one time, without a warning, a jogger suddenly made a turn in front of me. I braked so hard that the ebike did a somersault while I flew in front of the ebike and landed on my left shoulder. Not only that, I was on my clipless shoes.

The jogger did not even stop to help. I was moaning and cursing on the ground.
Ouch! Hope you didn't get seriously hurt or damage your bike. Would be interesting to know if the jogger was wearing earbuds.
Has anyone just tried something simple like a marine or camper's air horn in a water bottle fanny pack or a handle bar water bottle mount? I have the handle bar water bottle mount from Problem Solvers. Seems like you could put an air horn in a water bottle mount on the handle bars or mounted on the rider's body in a holster style position. Just needs to be secure and quick to reach:

Has anyone just tried something simple like a marine or camper's air horn in a water bottle fanny pack or a handle bar water bottle mount? I have the handle bar water bottle mount from Problem Solvers. Seems like you could put an air horn in a water bottle mount on the handle bars or mounted on the rider's body in a holster style position. Just needs to be secure and quick to reach:

I usually a small air horn with me to discourage dogs from chasing me on rural roads. They normally stop and stare. ?
Has anyone just tried something simple like a marine or camper's air horn in a water bottle fanny pack or a handle bar water bottle mount? I have the handle bar water bottle mount from Problem Solvers. Seems like you could put an air horn in a water bottle mount on the handle bars or mounted on the rider's body in a holster style position. Just needs to be secure and quick to reach:

I had one like that on my city bike when I lived in Munich. It came in handy quite often.
That's not what I meant, there are pedestrians walking at the bicycle trails that occupy the whole space and are oblivious to their surroundings. Me, coming from behind with my bell wildly ringing, these people totally ignore the sound and continue to block the path.

That's what I meant when I said my bicycle bell gets no respect while the air horn commands some respect.

These people are not considerate to other pedestrians, joggers, or cyclists.

Yeah, but how much of a hurry are you in? Sometimes I need to dismount and say "excuse me." And I've found that there can be issues of hearing loss and disability. I feel I am an ambassador for e-bikes, and sometimes when I dismount to get through pedestrians, folks ask about my bike. It's an opportunity.Pedestrians have the right of way. The bell on the bike is to make them aware of our presence. Most will move to the right when they hear a bell, but some don't and sometimes there is a good reason for that (like hearing loss, developmental disability, mobility problem, difficulty with a pet/child, etc.)

Last week, riding on a shared use path in a local park, I encountered a mixed-age group of children, adults and elderly adults walking together, carrying gifts, and talking to one another. I had just passed a gaily decorated picnic shelter. I stopped, because the slowly walking group completely blocked the path. They were looking around for their destination, chatting with one another, etc. While I stood and waited, an elderly lady who was chatting and walking backwards backed right into me. I showed them the way to the party they were heading toward. And they invited my husband and I to the party. We continued on our way, but it was a nice experience for everyone.

I've also encountered disability in other cyclists. Everyone's behavior will not be what one expects, and that isn't always somebody's fault.

Be patient. Have fun! Spread the ebike love!
@Mark Peralta, one of the great features of the AirZound vs. a camper's or marine horn is that it's refillable. No waste or propellants - all you need is a standard schrader valve bike pump to add more air to the tank. And at 115db it does get attention!

For my park & trail rides the AirZound is overkill but for city commutes in a lot of traffic, it can be a lifesaver :)
I use an ORP horn and it does get some attention, but on a multi-use path I also have to yell out, "passing on your left" when I encounter groups or joggers. I find some people don't realize they are on a path used by many, and some don't understand they need to move to the ride side of the path instead of staying in the middle.
Finally a bike company gets it -- what it's like to ride on the road instead of just bike trails (where the usual bell would be more useful). This came up on my youtube feed so I checked their website and the horn was "in stock." Unfortunately I hesitated and they sold out so now I have to wait for the Nov 2nd shipment.
I’d like an electric bell. A button I could easily reach with thump or a finger without taking my hand off the grip.
Command respect? You think we are special since we ride a bicycle? Just relax and share the path.
in dire situations, with rude walkers that don't respect the kind and soft bell, yup, nuke em back to reality. i only use the horn if its a potentially harmful/dangerous situation. oughta be a bell law, i never hear the lycra until it's too late...