Looking for feedback on a few models

I didn't notice a difference, but I wasn't looking at that as much as the comfort of riding the bike. I have looked at the Bosch motor website and it breaks down the different motors and specs. I would go there and check it out. There is alot of good information on the site. The performance line motor has more torque that the active line. Good luck!
Drove a couple hours today and rode the Trex Verve+, IZIP, Raleigh Retroglide IE and the Electra Townie. I still prefer the weight and the the feel of the Townie but again I am worried about the kick. Retroglide was my next favorite and it had way more kick then the Townie. So, still undecided. One more store in NJ has the blix aveny I guess I will go there tomorrow and hope maybe that has everything I need. Thanks again.
If you want to go with Bosch, and you want something with more of a kick, then you’re looking at the 350W Performance Line motor. My bike has one of these, but to get one, you’re looking at a jump in price, and possibly a more agressively styled bike. I’m really happy with my bikes hill performance. It’s a 2018 Raleigh Lore, and more of an mtb style bike. They were selling for 2500 for a while, but it looks like the company sold out. IZIP has the Dash, which has a 350W motor instead of a 250W, but it’s a TransX motor, and I am a rank beginner and know nothing about them.
Thanks, after all that go figure I end up with the Specialized Como(yes the one I said I did not care for). After re riding it (actually, taking it for a long ride) and going for the tall bike instead, which I sat better and getting a different comfort seat it was the one for me. It rode quiet and super smooth but had more kick the the townie. Taking it on the rail trail by my house on Sunday and hopefully I am still happy with it. Spent a bit more then I wanted but it seemed to give me the power i needed but has the smoothness and it was fun to ride and light. Now, off to look for a basket and lock. Thanks.
I just bought the Giant Lafree E + 2 after being on the fence between the Townie Go. I chose the Lafree....it's a little more upright and adjustable. It keeps charge longer and has a little more power. The ride is very similar to the townie but you aren't sitting as leaned back as the townie. I took it yesterday and went 18 miles and it performed flawlessly. It has a great warranty and the quality is there.
Thanks, after all that go figure I end up with the Specialized Como(yes the one I said I did not care for). After re riding it (actually, taking it for a long ride) and going for the tall bike instead, which I sat better and getting a different comfort seat it was the one for me. It rode quiet and super smooth but had more kick the the townie. Taking it on the rail trail by my house on Sunday and hopefully I am still happy with it. Spent a bit more then I wanted but it seemed to give me the power i needed but has the smoothness and it was fun to ride and light. Now, off to look for a basket and lock. Thanks.
Which Como did you get?
Drove a couple hours today and rode the Trex Verve+, IZIP, Raleigh Retroglide IE and the Electra Townie. I still prefer the weight and the the feel of the Townie but again I am worried about the kick. Retroglide was my next favorite and it had way more kick then the Townie. So, still undecided. One more store in NJ has the blix aveny I guess I will go there tomorrow and hope maybe that has everything I need. Thanks again.
Hi. I noticed in your post that you went to NJ to test drive a few bikes. I’m from SI, NY. I’m having a hard time finding stores in the NU/NJ area that have the ebikes ( the one’s on my short list) to test drive. Some of the bikes you mentioned are on my list. Would you mind sharing the stores you were able to test drive the Verve, Townie and Como? It would save me the time and trouble of calling the stores and would be much appreciated. You can private message me if you’d like. Thanks.
Any plans to review the New Updated 500W 48V Blix Aveny, the updated Ariel rider or the Townie? Would be very helpful to get current models reviewed.