Looking for Dealers outside of USA


New Member
Turns out the distributor for my bike brand pulled out of US by 2019, the brand is Focus still popular in Canada, UK and EU. Anybody have recommendations for a dealer not necessarily Focus outside the US that you know will ship to US. I have NOT kept a close watch on global sales and distribution other than aware of the problems the industry has been faced with as a result of the previous administrations tariff activity, my understanding that it has had an impacted the availability of bikes in US. No doubt this is a hot topic, not looking to start a thread on this though I'm sure opinions would be most interesting. Otherwise no complaints with my eBike going on 2 years old, I think Focus makes a nice ride.
not in the ebikes industry but shooting sports and ATV’ s industries they ship parts regularly to the usa
Ishtar need photo id as the phone scammers have hit here many years ago as you know

unless restrictions on exporting to the USA it should go smoothly

call any large city dealer as they may know of the lack of USA dealers and then it will become clear why you are calling