Looking for a Luna copy off brand 48v charger


I have a ride1up 700. This six hour 2M charger is ridiculous. I really like the 3A, 48v (54.6) Vruzend. Has a fan and everything for $34.99.

I see Luna 48v, 3A mini charger has a 80%, 90%, 100% knob. I’ve heard bad reports with problems with Luna so I was wondering if there is anything like a lunar Charger but from a company that’s not Luna. Luna does have a name in electronics so I was hoping for a company that’s cheaper so you Dohave to pay for the name.

I think I will be happy with the VRUZEND 3A with a fan and everything for $34.99. Before I buy it, I just wanted to check and see if anybody found one like a luna that doesn’t have the name that’s cheaper.

Thank you,
I think I've read this kind of story before...& it may not work on your battery.
"Looking for a Luna copy off brand 48v charger"
Buy that CHEAP unknown VuZEndo,
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The charger that comes with our bikes is the lowest sans charger they make. It’s actually for skateboards. The retail is $17.99.

To get a higher quality charger with a fan and everything is not going cheap.

Many times there are products made at the same factory that have different labels on them for different companies. One is not better than the other it comes from the same place.

I found a good charger with a different label on it very inexpensive and it’s an upgrade to what I have. I got it very cheap. Should be here in a couple of days.
Interesting. I was getting about 32 miles per charge and since I started using my charger that Mike_V critacized me for, I got 45.5 miles today. With a 260 pound rider I didn’t think that was possible.

Not sure what else it could be because the only thing I did was change my charger.