tomjasz Well-Known Member Region USA City Minnesnowta Feb 8, 2024 #1 When I try to login I get the following pages. To get to forums I have to click on the list of recent posts. ARGH! Attachments Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 4.15.02 PM.png 416.3 KB · Views: 120 Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 4.14.24 PM.png 137.6 KB · Views: 117
When I try to login I get the following pages. To get to forums I have to click on the list of recent posts. ARGH!
6zfshdb Well-Known Member Region USA City Northeast Pennsylvania Feb 9, 2024 #2 Same here. As a work around, I just stay logged in and bookmark the forums page. One click on the bookmark and you're there. Upvote 0 Downvote
Same here. As a work around, I just stay logged in and bookmark the forums page. One click on the bookmark and you're there.
Gionnirocket Well-Known Member Region USA City Y. O. Feb 9, 2024 #3 I do as 6z' and it's the best work around. I occasionally still get the 404 error page but I think it's when an update is made on the server as I have to set a new bookmark. Then it goes back to working for usually what is a long while Upvote 0 Downvote
I do as 6z' and it's the best work around. I occasionally still get the 404 error page but I think it's when an update is made on the server as I have to set a new bookmark. Then it goes back to working for usually what is a long while
Taylor57 Well-Known Member Feb 9, 2024 #4 My login page now requires me to hit "parent directory" and then click on forums. Minor pain, but I need me my EBR fix! Upvote 0 Downvote
My login page now requires me to hit "parent directory" and then click on forums. Minor pain, but I need me my EBR fix!
m@Robertson Merciless (on the inside) Region USA Feb 9, 2024 #5 I think the server admins disabled the aliasing that forwarded the old-style links to the new ones. My bookmarked entry page is the Whats New page. The old link: The new version: What's new Until a few days ago the old link forwarded to the new one. But it stopped. I use a password manager that keeps me logged in so I never have to worry about that. Upvote 0 Downvote
I think the server admins disabled the aliasing that forwarded the old-style links to the new ones. My bookmarked entry page is the Whats New page. The old link: The new version: What's new Until a few days ago the old link forwarded to the new one. But it stopped. I use a password manager that keeps me logged in so I never have to worry about that.