

New Member
United Kingdom
Hello and thanks for accepting me to the forum.
A little about myself, I'm not in the first flush of youth. Least said about that the better!!
I gave up cycling many years ago but with the situation the world is in I decided to try again. I'm not up to struggling against the wind and the steep hills nowadays so I thought I'd try electric, so I bought myself a cheap Chinese bike to see how I liked it. I liked it so much I decided to get myself a better bike.
After looking at many bikes I decided the Specialized SL Vado 4.0 EQ was the bike for me. I have not been disappointed. I love it.
Now for my question, I've searched the forum to see if you can switch the lights off and I see you can't unless you disconnect them. The lights staying on doesn't bother me in the slightest so I won't be doing that. No, what I'd like to know is, do they have to stay on when the bike is charging?
Sorry for being a bit long winded. Thanks for yor time.
Welcome. You'll learn a lot from this forum. I have since I got my Vado SL 5 EQ last fall. One of the things I learned here is the answer to your question. To turn the lights off while charging, simply turn the bike off using the on/off button on the TCU. The battery will continue to charge but there will be no display on the TCU of your charge progress.
Thank you. Once again simple when you know how. I think I pressed everything except the on off. Thanks again.