Lectric XP

No, it's the standard handlebar.

I've measured the bike closer to 37" long and 22" wide. Height is the main problem for my hatch though. The roofline in the back dips down for a sporty look, which doesn't help practicality.
What happens if you put the top in first? Your roof slopes down to the back so it might be just enough to get it in. Also what happens if you fold the seats down and put both bikes in with one being flat and the other in at an angle partly on top of the other one?
Not to beat this to death but I still believe that if you really need to have everything unlocked just buy another controller there cheap...
No different than the $300. I had to pay for a module to make my Chevy shift and run like the one I test drove. Don't every drive a GM product then expect the one you order to be the same.
Some yes, Some no. See the problem is they allowed it from the start. If they had done as some other manufacturers have done which is to hide all the other options, then no, If people didn't know it existed they probably wouldn't have cared. Word of mouth is huge for business. It was known very quickly that you can change settings along with what everything does and I guarantee you that gave levtric a bunch of extra sales they may otherwise have not gotten. Again, equate it to buying a car and here is the list of options available on the car. Different options interests different folks. Then getting your car home and finding out the options you wanted, which could have been the reason you bought the car in the first place, was silently taken away. Advertised or not, they were known and they have a few thousand bikes out there with all the options available.

Sadly this is going to cause a couple of issues. Things like we have been complaining about and then here is going to be a bad side effect. Those few thousand bikes that are unlocked, are going to be worth more than a restricted model. I predict you will see them being sold for a decent price hike above the $899 price once folks realize their bikes are "special". It will not surprise me that you will see some showing up on eBay advertising the fact it's fully unlocked. Still, most of those calls could have been avoided with a simple piece of paper in the box with the settings on it or in the email they send you when it's on its way. Instead, they just made a kind of black market for those first bikes by screwing everyone else over. Again, the bike itself is ok. nothing wrong with it, its what they did to people that is the issue here. Sorry, many of you don't see it as a big deal. It's ok if you like what you got, but really, don't try to trivialize the people that didn't get what they were expecting due to no fault on their part.

I fully support your sentiment Doomsday. You took the words out of my mouth by stating that the fully unlocked bikes will be worth more in the long run. I hope mine is fully unlocked but I'm not holding my breath. I will probably do like you and ship my controller and display back to Lectric and demand that they unlock it just like the other thousands of XP owners have before me.

What i do hope happens is this creates a "hacker" community dedicated to unlocking the locked controllers and at the very least cheap affordable controller alternatives.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to receiving my bike on 10/02/19!
Not to beat this to death but I still believe that if you really need to have everything unlocked just buy another controller there cheap...

I'm not saying I do need everything unlocked. I think they all should be unlocked because we were not warned they changed their settings and that is a very big deal. but I had a few specific settings that I wanted which was in a big part, why I bought the bike, to begin with. The bike itself had me very interested but then when I found out the options on it that I wanted, It sealed the deal. As I am sure it did for more than just a few. Then when I finally get it after almost 2 months waiting, to find out the options I wanted to set were essentially locked out now, It is NOT the same bike I ordered. Really, I don't see how that is so hard to comprehend.

Try to think of it this way, you research a new computer you want to buy. You find out this new computer comes with specific settings (say the cmos) that's going to make your ownership of that computer, more enjoyable. Maybe this particular cmos still supports old floppy drives and you got one you want to add to the system, but when you get it, the manufacturer of your new computer decided, you know what, I got some calls on this and I just don't want to deal with it anymore, so they disable that one function you really wanted. Just because the initial cost of the computer was good, doesn't mean that's the main reason you bought it. It literally is not the computer you ordered and was expecting. See the point here? I could have built the computer for probably the same amount of money and it would have had the features I wanted but then I would have to invest a lot of time putting it together and researching every single component. Oh look, all these reviews show, there is a computer right there that does everything I want, I will just buy it instead but then you get it, It's not the same computer because its functions have been altered.

As it is with this bike, I'm already going to have to open it up, pull the guts out and send it back to the manufacturer to get reprogrammed, which is exactly what I didn't want to have to do. If I knew all this, I could have just built a much better bike for near the same price. So yeah, THEY put me and others into a very bad position. Already got the bike out, box ripped up for recycling, then find out, It's not the bike I ordered so now, I am at a point, how do we resolve this? Do I buy a new box, pay to have it shipped back and get a refund? Will, they simply ship me an original controller and pad and say, our bad, here ya go, we should have made it clear we were changing the settings away from our first batch (This would have been the exact right thing to do). No, I got option three which is, Rip this stuff out of your bike, ship us these parts on your dime we will reprogram it for you and send it back. So now I am spending even more money albeit less than if I had to ship the entire bike back, all in order to get the bike I thought I was getting in the first place and even then I'm sure it won't be because they will probably leave the other stuff locked, regardless if I needed it or not. It took almost 2 months to ship, wonder how many weeks my dead bike will set in there till the reprogrammed controller comes back? 3-5 days to get to them, however long it takes them to reprogram and then probably that many days to get back if im lucky.
Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.

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Ordered 2 bikes on Aug 6th; one white, one black.
Black one showed up on 9/23; white one on 9/26.
White one was packaged WAY better and the guard was not bent.

The differences (besides color):
The lever to fold the handlebars
The locking mechanism at the frame
The kickstand
Bell attached on the white one, not the black one
White one seemed to have some sort of loktite on the pedals, not the black one

It seems the white bike has the newer components even though both were ordered at the exact same time.
I'm fine with the performance of both. We are having a blast.
The only numbers I care about on the display are level of pedal assist and how much battery I have left.
I can feel how fast I am going. No need for me to attach a number to it.
No different than the $300. I had to pay for a module to make my Chevy shift and run like the one I test drove. Don't every drive a GM product then expect the one you order to be the same.
I have factory ordered a Chevy ZR2 and a HD2500 Duramax Chevy Silverado without any problems both great trucks. That being said that's a whole nuther forum.😁
Ordered 2 bikes on Aug 6th; one white, one black.
Black one showed up on 9/23; white one on 9/26.
White one was packaged WAY better and the guard was not bent.

The differences (besides color):
The lever to fold the handlebars
The locking mechanism at the frame
The kickstand
Bell attached on the white one, not the black one
White one seemed to have some sort of loktite on the pedals, not the black one

It seems the white bike has the newer components even though both were ordered at the exact same time.
I'm fine with the performance of both. We are having a blast.
The only numbers I care about on the display are level of pedal assist and how much battery I have left.
I can feel how fast I am going. No need for me to attach a number to it.
Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.View attachment 39231View attachment 39232View attachment 39233View attachment 39234View attachment 39235
Your a lucky guy to have a great place to store your bike. The commute will be a blast😁
I fully support your sentiment Doomsday. You took the words out of my mouth by stating that the fully unlocked bikes will be worth more in the long run. I hope mine is fully unlocked but I'm not holding my breath. I will probably do like you and ship my controller and display back to Lectric and demand that they unlock it just like the other thousands of XP owners have before me.

What i do hope happens is this creates a "hacker" community dedicated to unlocking the locked controllers and at the very least cheap affordable controller alternatives.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to receiving my bike on 10/02/19!
Lectric said they won't reprogram controller for me.
I already found replacement controller with much better color LCD and it's fully programmable with no speed or any other restrictions.(35mph+)
Just need to wait till Monday to check dimensions of original one and manufacturer that makes the controller because I maybe able to reprogram it myself without any restrictions. ;)
Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.View attachment 39231View attachment 39232View attachment 39233View attachment 39234View attachment 39235
Cool that you have that room.
Amazon still hadn't shipped the seat I ordered (when you quit Prime they punish you once in awhile just for kicks lol), so I cancelled and ordered this one.

I'll let you know if it spells relief.
I got this seat. Some folks here call it the tractor seat and that cracks me up, so funny.

Lectric said they won't reprogram controller for me.
I already found replacement controller with much better color LCD and it's fully programmable with no speed or any other restrictions.(35mph+)
Just need to wait till Monday to check dimensions of original one and manufacturer that makes the controller because I maybe able to reprogram it myself without any restrictions. ;)
There you go, where there is a will, there is a way. Not hard to do. Did it on a new pickup truck, you did it on a bike. Chevy would not reprogram my computer either, said they were governed and watched by EPA. "Sorry, it's your truck your are now in compliance with EPA"
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Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.View attachment 39231View attachment 39232View attachment 39233View attachment 39234View attachment 39235
What an awesome setup at work. Have got to give Google credit for going Green and making it available for employees. With the XP you will cut your commute time in less that 1/2. That will be nice on cold mornings. Nice share.
Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.View attachment 39231View attachment 39232View attachment 39233View attachment 39234View attachment 39235
I'd still put a lock on it
Ordered 2 bikes on Aug 6th; one white, one black.
Black one showed up on 9/23; white one on 9/26.
White one was packaged WAY better and the guard was not bent.

The differences (besides color):
The lever to fold the handlebars
The locking mechanism at the frame
The kickstand
Bell attached on the white one, not the black one
White one seemed to have some sort of loktite on the pedals, not the black one

It seems the white bike has the newer components even though both were ordered at the exact same time.

This I find interesting. I got a white bike as well, and was not aware of the physical differences between white model and black model. My experience with the white model was as indicated above.

IIRC, Lectric started selling the XP in June. It appears that they are "dialing in" their process, and those of us who are early adopters are feeling the effects of their process. Some things you can only learn by doing, and trying to get the XP to become the bike they want to ship out consistently unfortunately requires some trial and error. I sympathize completely with those who feel they are not getting what they paid for, and it does sort of suck to get a product you believe is inferior to what you thought you ordered. Right now it appears the white model is a slightly better product than the black model because it has these newer components, but nowhere are these differences listed or explained so as to provide a buyer the information needed to make an informed choice. It appears that, in the short run, buying an XP from Lectric will be a slightly moving target. What they are really failing at is communication, because as they make these changes there is no way for the consumer to know this is the case. They have to get better at communication and improve their web presence considerably IMHO. Many of the complaints can be alleviated with better communication. I mean, I can't even find out the seat post dimension on their website (31.6" ?).
Just saw posted on FB that order #4924 has been processed. With any luck the 5,000 will start next week if bikes are in.
Here's my 8.5 mile one-way commute to work. I'd be able to throttle-only to work and back home everyday. If i was lazy, but I still want to get my heart pumping.

At my job we have a dedicated bike room i can store my XP. The bike room can only be accessed by security badge. The underground garage the bike room is located within can only be accessed by security badge. Inside the bike room we have air pumps, tools, and a hose to wash off our bikes. Looks like I have my lock situation figured out. There's even a camera in the room in case an employee wants to walk out of there with my bike. But from what I've been told, a few of the engineers own ebikes too so I'm not worried.

The bike storage room also has many electrical outlets so i'd be able to charge my battery during my workday without having to take the battery upstairs to my desk.

Too bad winter is coming!

Bonus: a few pics of my folding bike I purchased back in 2011! $300 but I've put hundreds of miles on it so I feel I got my money's worth.View attachment 39231View attachment 39232View attachment 39233View attachment 39234View attachment 39235

A bike room at work. How cool is that!
Fantastic that they are supporting non-polluting transportation.
Please pass all these positive comments to your management.
This I find interesting. I got a white bike as well, and was not aware of the physical differences between white model and black model. My experience with the white model was as indicated above.

IIRC, Lectric started selling the XP in June. It appears that they are "dialing in" their process, and those of us who are early adopters are feeling the effects of their process. Some things you can only learn by doing, and trying to get the XP to become the bike they want to ship out consistently unfortunately requires some trial and error. I sympathize completely with those who feel they are not getting what they paid for, and it does sort of suck to get a product you believe is inferior to what you thought you ordered. Right now it appears the white model is a slightly better product than the black model because it has these newer components, but nowhere are these differences listed or explained so as to provide a buyer the information needed to make an informed choice. It appears that, in the short run, buying an XP from Lectric will be a slightly moving target. What they are really failing at is communication, because as they make these changes there is no way for the consumer to know this is the case. They have to get better at communication and improve their web presence considerably IMHO. Many of the complaints can be alleviated with better communication. I mean, I can't even find out the seat post dimension on their website (31.6" ?).
It's 31.8 to be exact..I emailed Lectric and they answered me back in half a day so I could get the suntour seat post. When Chevy changes a knob on there Silverado they don't send out an email announcing to the world a knob is different on the truck. You just get a new truck with a different knob. I bought a specialized mountain bike a few years ago and it didn't give me a dimension on the seat post and its on there website now but wasn't a couple years ago..either....Just saying. ..... And 31.6 works fine for the seatpost
Spent the day with my girlfriend riding through out Vancouver and Stanley park today. Loving the bikes more and more 😊
Fit in our caravan no problem of course. A little akward to get in and out. Discovered a couple people that quite obviously didn't like e-Bikes. Overall a great experience on the XPs. Oh yeah we didn't even move the battery strength bar and were out a total of 4 hours.
Wow, it has to be a little on the chilly side up there in Vancouver, what are you using for cool weather gear? Transported my bike in the back of my Camry yesterday, was kind of a bitch at first, but after doing it a few times and taking out the battery and pulling the seat post it became easier with practice.