Lectric XP 3.0 review

And still waiting on the basket package. Only going to use the front rack and basket. I purchased a Rad Power basket bag and some basket bottoms from Etsy. Will post pictures as well.
I remember the panniers I got from those Guys,easily the best I ever had, dumb like I let them go with a bike I sold.
I commend you! I don't do cold.
Over here it was -2. wasnt about to ride in that cold, it was cold enough to frostbite the Roosters comb, didn't think it freeze in the insulated coop I made, its starting to look a little better, time will heal it the chicken experts say. What do you think of the new trike Lectric has? Not saying I will buy one- but when I get the reverse trike done its going to tell me whether I am actually a candidate for a trike period. The last loop with 5 falls made me begin to wonder wether maybe I should just take up hiking instead.
-2? You in MN also? Looks like we're headed into a deep freeze after Friday...

That trike seems cool. I don't like how the speed is limited so low. I have a 5 star scooter with a much shorter wheelbase and it's A LOT of fun to drive + it's TSA compliant and will turn on 2 wheels at 20mph controlled without tipping over.. but is also FWD. Been making runs to the park here with it lately and she'll go through about ~3" of snow without too much trouble.
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-2? You in MN also? Went and checked on my birds last night and added another bulb. Looks like we're headed into a deep freeze after Friday...

That trike seems cool. I don't like how the speed is limited so low. I have a 5 star scooter with a much shorter wheelbase and it's A LOT of fun to drive + it's TSA compliant and will turn on 2 wheels at 20mph controlled without tipping over.. but is also FWD. Been making runs to the park here with it lately and she'll go through about ~3" of snow without too much trouble.
Us Minnesotans are tough mfers we love the cold
-2? You in MN also? Went and checked on my birds last night and added another bulb. Looks like we're headed into a deep freeze after Friday...

That trike seems cool. I don't like how the speed is limited so low. I have a 5 star scooter with a much shorter wheelbase and it's A LOT of fun to drive + it's TSA compliant and will turn on 2 wheels at 20mph controlled without tipping over.. but is also FWD. Been making runs to the park here with it lately and she'll go through about ~3" of snow without too much trouble.
No, it was just a cold snap in Appalachia, the rest of the weather has been pretty mild by comparison. thats the trouble you get complacent then"Mother" throws you a curve( ask the Folks in Texas)
No, it was just a cold snap in Appalachia, the rest of the weather has been pretty mild by comparison. thats the trouble you get complacent then"Mother" throws you a curve( ask the Folks in Texas)
The world stops when it snows in Texas can't fit 10 gallons of snow in the hat
Learned the JuinTec M1 hydraulic calipers don't fit on the 3.0 without some modification. The way they setup on the stock caliper spacer puts them in the correct spot on the 180mm disc however they're a few mm too wide and interfere with the spokes. A guy could narrow/sand the spacer and try to balance the pistons but otherwise save your $
I wanted to give a review of my XPremium I bought a month ago. I researched companies prior to purchasing and there are lots and lots of ebike companies. One of the things which helped me choose Lectric was the Customer Service. When my bike arrived, the back tire would not hold air and the gears needed adjusting. I worked with Lectric Customer Service and they were very good. I got those things worked out and then I started having problems with my PAS. It does not engage from the initial start up. I contacted Customer Service and they sent me a new display. I installed it and it worked for one day and back to the same issue. I have to engage the throttle for the PAS to work. Bummer. I saw where some riders were asking about moving the handle bars closer. I watched a YouTube video on how to turn the handle bars around to gain 5". I did this and it worked great. Just flipped the accessories on the handle bars around and it feels a lot more comfortable.

I also did some custom painting..... I love the bike but I am disappointed with the issues I have had. Customer Service has been great but should not have had to contact them. Lectric needs to focus on the quality aspect of the bike so customers do not have to address issues such as mine. Rating Customer Service A+, Quality of the XPremium C-.


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got this new horn/alarm with remote at walmart i call wallyworld i got one on amazon said it was 120db it couldnt wake up a baby sleeping.i installed the batteries on this new one and it scared the crap out of me.this thing is super lound i would say as loud as a car horn if not louder in its own way.has 3 differant sounds to pic and sound levels.you move the sensor in the alarm mode ever so slightly and it sounds an alarm any perpitrator would run so fast flash couldnt catch him. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Wsdcam-B...d=null&athena=true&selectedSellerId=101077449