Lectric Xp 2.0 battery for recent bikes


New Member
So I ordered Xp 2.0 about 2 weeks ago and just received the battery, bike hasn't arrived yet. Interestingly, but the sticker says 48V10.4Ah, "... the interior battery is LS Li-ion battery", not Samsung and not LG. I don't have a bike to test yet, so I can't tell if changing battery supplier by Lectric is good or bad.
Quick googling shows that "LS" might be the SAFT batteries company, however I'm not sure. Also, it may be misspelling "LG", but it clearly written as "LS".
I the LS battery also been getting two-three bar drop in 10 mile ride mostly flat in PAS 3. I guess that is pretty good.
Same battery. I'm at 24 miles on the current charge with 3 bars left, mostly PAS 3 and 4 with gentle hills and 200lbs on the seat.
Received the bike. Battery holds very well, I already did 50 miles on it with 2 full charges and PAS 2-3 mostly.
So I ordered Xp 2.0 about 2 weeks ago and just received the battery, bike hasn't arrived yet. Interestingly, but the sticker says 48V10.4Ah, "... the interior battery is LS Li-ion battery", not Samsung and not LG. I don't have a bike to test yet, so I can't tell if changing battery supplier by Lectric is good or bad.
Quick googling shows that "LS" might be the SAFT batteries company, however I'm not sure. Also, it may be misspelling "LG", but it clearly written as "LS".
LS means Lishen, a battery company located in Tianjing China, I posted their website link for your reference. http://en.lishen.com.cn/
Interesting, Lishen site says they provide batteries for buses and cars, probably some Chineese brands. I'm wondering is this the same battery sold on Aliexpress? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/100...a5-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id":"12000016195168415"}

I don't want to blame Lectric as they never mentioned the battery manufacturer in the specs, which means they can put in whatever they want, but hiding that fact from the buyer isn't all that good. Anyways it works not bad so far, see how the battery shows itself over the time.
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Interesting what I found on web - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...supply-talks-with-chinas-lishen-idUSKCN1PG098
They wanted to partnership with Tesla? 🙄 Seems to be a decent supplier.
However the agreement was never signed - https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebast...nership-but-there-were-talks/?sh=12e6a7497229

Now they do batteries for ebikes... haha - https://www.bike-eu.com/home/nieuws/2014/06/lithium-battery-maker-lishen-focuses-on-e-bikes-1012439
can you share with me the specific details of the LS battery used on Lectric XP2.0, like the battery cell configuration and how much?
can you share with me the specific details of the LS battery used on Lectric XP2.0, like the battery cell configuration and how much?
I am not an expert on battery configuration and I have never opened my Lectric's battery to check what cells are inside. All I can tell is that on full charge display shows 54.3-54.4 volts. I ride mostly on PAS 2-3 and after reaching 25 miles it shows approximately 46.2 volts, I never went beyond 26 miles and assume that it may give not more than 10 miles up until 43 volts. So there is no way the bike can go 45+ miles as Lectric claims on its website. In truth, this company has a generally dubious reputation and everybody knows that. In fact they have never invented any bikes, this is just a generic version of tons of other Chinese models. Anyway, bike is good and the battery isn't that bad.
Our experience with Lectric has been very positive. We bought two of the step-throughs just before Christmas 2021, and have ridden the heck out of them over the past six months. Any phone interactions with the HQ folks have been first-rate, and when we compare the features on these bikes to the Rads it's like night and day. And at 2/3rds the price to boot.

There is a great YouTube video that quantitatively compares a whole bunch of 18650 cells and concludes that some Chinese cells are utter cr@p. But whatever Lectric uses seems to be holding up very well for us.