I'm going to have to sell a bike or two, but I can't resist the specs on that Nuvinci Koben. So, count me in.
I was going to build a BBS02. I think the high powered versions are a bit of a waste, speed I don't need. But, the high power versions have issues with too much power on the chain. The Nuvinci solves that, to some extent, but it may be one of those things where you nudge it with the brake cut-offs on the motor. I could never sort it out. Even Shimano has some issues, their STEPS, with difficult shifts to climbing gears under load. You pay for Bosch.
Considering what's out there, it's hard to do better than this combo. If people want more power, they want more power. The BBS02 has been holding up pretty well. This is from a reviewer who seems to expect a lot from bike parts:
It's a beautiful bike. Glad you put a big pack on the S. The battery is probably the main thing with the bike, which is what you say on the campaign page. I hope I read that right, that people get the S model if they pledge for the CVT (comments to Marc).
Hope your campaign, and Kickstarter, help clarify some of the issues and problems that seem to have plagued crowdfunding. The way you are raising money is perfectly reasonable. I want you to make it work but if there are unknown calamities, that's life. Good luck.