Just received my new white ST1


New Member
I received my white ST1 yesterday, and it is a wonderful bike. I test rode it a little this morning, and things are working well. It's a little too cold here to get out much now, so I plan to wait about a month and then start riding more. In the short term, I'm going to add on my few upgrades and figure out how to carry all of my stuff to work on the bike rack.

I'm glad I chose this over the EVO Cross, this bike feels a lot more stable at 20 mph. The only downside is that I now own 3 bikes and my wife is starting to complain. However, this is my first ebike, and the one that will probably get the most use. I hope it will replace my car at least several days a week.
Tell your wife you could bring two more women home, see what she says, if that doesn't stop the complaints, threaten to take up Golf. ;-)
I received my white ST1 yesterday, and it is a wonderful bike. I test rode it a little this morning, and things are working well. It's a little too cold here to get out much now, so I plan to wait about a month and then start riding more. In the short term, I'm going to add on my few upgrades and figure out how to carry all of my stuff to work on the bike rack.

I'm glad I chose this over the EVO Cross, this bike feels a lot more stable at 20 mph. The only downside is that I now own 3 bikes and my wife is starting to complain. However, this is my first ebike, and the one that will probably get the most use. I hope it will replace my car at least several days a week.

3 bikes? Better than 3 pit bulls, or 3 cars.

Have fun. Own the Stromer elite. Except for the kickstand breaking it's been trouble fre for 2500 miles