Juiced CCS


New Member
I just hit the 100 mile mark on my Juiced CCS and I am really happy with this bike. No issues at all. It seems to be a quality build, and Juiced has been wonderful about responding to all my stupid questions. If you are considering one of these bikes, all I can say is that it seems to be a great bike - especially for the price! I know I haven't got a lot of miles on it yet, but so far it has exceeded my expectations.
They are pretty nice bikes. I've had mine for 11 months and will hit 2,000 miles this week. Only problem so far was with part of the kickstand disappearing. The kickstand is 2 pieces and the screw that holds the lower piece to the upper piece came loose. Juiced sent me a new one immediately. it too arrived with a loose screw. Be sure to check and tighten screws regularly.
Im only about 50km on mine so far and I love it. Feels like an agile tank (in a very good way) compared to my regular commuter bike. I have the Schwalbe Marathon tires for piece of mind.
I just hit 2200 kms (1367miles) today, have had a couple of tune ups and whatnot but it's running beautifully. One day I did a 64km bike ride with a lot of hills in Eco/1 and had just under half my battery level left.