Juiced Bikes 40 mph!!

Jerry LM

Active Member
Has anyone else seen the new Juiced 40 mph throttle bike advertised? Man this thing flies for sure. Enormous size and capacity battery as well. This is getting up there in speed, Harley is supposed to be coming out with their new E motorcycle this coming year as well, going to be interesting to see where all this tech will lead us.
Has anyone else seen the new Juiced 40 mph throttle bike advertised? Man this thing flies for sure. Enormous size and capacity battery as well. This is getting up there in speed, Harley is supposed to be coming out with their new E motorcycle this coming year as well, going to be interesting to see where all this tech will lead us.
You'd have to have a death wish to ride an ebike 40mph
I'm no fan either. Bicycles at that speed will not be good for the cycling community in general. Civic leaders make rules against Class 3 at 28mph, 40mph will certainly bring about more angst. I've hit 41 on a steep hill. That made me wonder about what speed the tires are tested for. Sure road racers hit that speed all the time, but we are talking a whole different class of tires here.
White knuckles here at 28 mph. I´m comfortable at 14. If I want to take it all in 10 mph is just fine. That´s my speed when looking
for wild edibles & herbal medicine. There´s so much food there that no one knows about unsullied by chemicals. If soil depletion,
storms, & drought collapse agriculture, I´ll do just fine.

P.S. Coulda had a wild turkey yesterday with my front wheel if I´d hit the throttle. Road kill, yummy:p
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I've hit 40mph on my HF1000 with both pedaling and a tailwind. The only place I would actually do this a completely empty road. Even with enough space, the utility and safety of going that fast is not worth it. You don't end up saving much time because you can't safely sustain those speeds over the course of a whole ride.

I wonder what Juiced Bike is doing about the design envelope of their components. Even if the frame is strong enough, I wouldn't trust the stock fork at those speeds.
Has anyone else seen the new Juiced 40 mph throttle bike advertised? Man this thing flies for sure. Enormous size and capacity battery as well. This is getting up there in speed, Harley is supposed to be coming out with their new E motorcycle this coming year as well, going to be interesting to see where all this tech will lead us.

That moped has been discussed here before. I hesitate to call it a bicycle. I think that's a move in the wrong direction for e-bikes but that's just my two cents. As I've said before, a bicycle with throttle only isn't a bicycle anymore.
Highest speed I've been on my Juiced CCS is 42 mph going downhill. I felt very stable and safe. The bike is very solid at speed. The fastest I've ridden on my road bike is 55 mph downhill. That's about as fast as I wanted to go.
There are safety advantages when riding at higher speeds, and obvious risks as well, but some people want to ignore the advantages.
I am generally cruising at 30 mph on my CCS. I honestly feel safer like that, than I did cruising at 20 mph on my road bike riding on the same roads. The smaller speed differential between me and traffic, allows approaching traffic from behind more time to notice and avoid me, and allows me better ability to "take the lane" when needed, or merge to the left lane to turn. (There is a road on my morning commute that has a 30 mph speed limit, and is currently under construction. Because of the 30 mph limit, I take the lane and don't slow traffic for the few miles of construction. Without this ability, I would honestly find an alternate route as there is no shoulder and no room for cars to pass.)
I would personally love to have the ability to increase the speed to 40mph when I wanted, I would also likely up my cruising speed to 35 with the extra power, which is the speed limit for traffic on many of the roads in my commute.
I'm no fan either. Bicycles at that speed will not be good for the cycling community in general. Civic leaders make rules against Class 3 at 28mph, 40mph will certainly bring about more angst. I've hit 41 on a steep hill. That made me wonder about what speed the tires are tested for. Sure road racers hit that speed all the time, but we are talking a whole different class of tires here.

"Rich C " I completely agree with your post. I feel the Juiced 40 MPH fat tire bike is bad for the eBike community period.....I quote from the Juiced product page...
" Due to the high power motor and high speeds, this bike is designed for non-public roads only. " As if that kind of statement will keep folks who
want to ride on public roads from doing so. I don't think so,... "non-public roads" ? Can you say Rails to Trails boys and girls ?

After a few Juiced 40 + MPH runs on a Rails to Trails and I or others come along doing 10-15 MPH. I can hear it now "Look, there's another one of those 'electric bikes'. He's going to kill some one"
Back to my "bible", Effective Cycling, by John Forester..and this from memory...We are all only safe in traffic because we mainly do what's expected of us...the painted line is just that...we all conform to every other driver's expectations, and we are safe because of this.

I just ordered a new copy of same, vol. #7.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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The bike is intended for off street use,, but I can see some knucklehead flying down the road on it! I am sure the bike is designed hyperfat-hf1100.
No, it's not designed for off-road use at all. Tora/Juiced simply say that to pretend that it won't be used on-road, and thus can rationalize selling it. Tora loves speed - he posts vids showing him going 30+mph for extended rides on his other bikes.

And even if it does go 40mph, wind resistance will drain the battery very quickly, so relatively pointless unless you're willing to invest in additional batteries and lug them around everywhere.
If I had a bike that did 40mph I could then ride to work. The vast majority of the way would be on a 4 lane road with a dedicated bike lane. There would be idiots that felt the need to zip in and out of traffic ignoring all safety rules that would likely quickly ruin that.
I agree with the sentiment of most of these replies. Yes, it is possible to go 50 or 60 on an unpowered road or mountain bike down steep grades, but this is not safe for most e-bike riders. These high speeds are especially unsafe in congested urban areas with lots of intersections and it is certainly not considerate in bike lanes. There will be people, mostly young, who won't be able to resist the urge to use the speed unwisely and it will reflect badly on all e-bikers. When I was younger, I would have probably done it myself. Class 3 is enough for me and I even keep that to 20 - 22 MPH or less when riding in urban areas and around lots of other cyclists.

I like that Juiced offers a lot of bike for a reasonable price, but thumbs down to their 'off road only' 40MPH offering. If you want to go fast, get an electric scooter or motorcycle.
I agree with the sentiment of most of these replies. Yes, it is possible to go 50 or 60 on an unpowered road or mountain bike down steep grades, but this is not safe for most e-bike riders. These high speeds are especially unsafe in congested urban areas with lots of intersections and it is certainly not considerate in bike lanes. There will be people, mostly young, who won't be able to resist the urge to use the speed unwisely and it will reflect badly on all e-bikers. When I was younger, I would have probably done it myself. Class 3 is enough for me and I even keep that to 20 - 22 MPH or less when riding in urban areas and around lots of other cyclists.

I like that Juiced offers a lot of bike for a reasonable price, but thumbs down to their 'off road only' 40MPH offering. If you want to go fast, get an electric scooter or motorcycle.

We have some really nice bike lanes that unfortunately no one uses. I never see bikes on them.
I Think in the future there will be more of this stuff as technology advances on motors drive trains, etc. When I originally started out I was looking at a new Vespa and then wavered and went the bike route as no license and all the dmv malarkey is not required. I hope these guys don't get us to that point. If I want speed that bad I will go back to the Vespa, but just cruising around the neighborhood and to the store I think the bike is a better bet, plus a little exercise which don't hurt. Having had two motorcycle accidents in my younger days I know what it's like to go down hard, and at 40 mph it takes a while to stop sliding, while the asphalt does it's rash act on you.
One thing I notice in photos and adds is people riding with flip flops and bare toes hanging out, that to me is just as stupid, in an emergency you have no protection at all. I am a firm believer in shoes for riding.
I'm holding out for the eventual HyperFat 1500 ! No point in coasting along at 40 when your ride can do 55+ ** :p

** sarcasm, folks. Anything over 28 is just not at all safe, and even at 28 you need to have sufficient braking and better than average riding skill to avoid getting hurt.
I wonder what Juiced Bike is doing about the design envelope of their components. Even if the frame is strong enough, I wouldn't trust the stock fork at those speeds.
For most of us, it's not about the speed. An ebike that can hit 40 mph will provide stellar performance at lower speeds, and for longer distances (all other things being equal.) While it seems that @Tora Harris himself likes a fast bicycle, he is engineer enough to know that most of his public will appreciate the greater performance they provide at lower speeds. And, yeah, there is definitely a segment of the buying public that will want the fastest ebike aroud and will ride it like a banshee.