Is anyone one here a music video director/producer?


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United Kingdom
anyone one here a music video director/producer?

I don't want a job or anything, as you would be on your guard, naturally. I'm happy with my lot. But I love music videos. In all truth, I know i just do not have the imagination, call it what you will, to come up with it. I'm just too staid or something, happy enough, but i just don't have that 'thing', that gift, which no doubt if you are in the business you would spot, I can spot it, but it's not me, but i sometimes notice that they ( and I help them in my work), whilst 'having it naturally' need help to 'do it'. Is that how it is to be a music video producer?

God, I love so many, soooo many, could put up loads. I'll just offer this as it happens to be on, great, fantastic, creativity, God sent
anyone one here a music video director/producer?

I don't want a job or anything, as you would be on your guard, naturally. I'm happy with my lot. But I love music videos. In all truth, I know i just do not have the imagination, call it what you will, to come up with it. I'm just too staid or something, happy enough, but i just don't have that 'thing', that gift, which no doubt if you are in the business you would spot, I can spot it, but it's not me, but i sometimes notice that they ( and I help them in my work), whilst 'having it naturally' need help to 'do it'. Is that how it is to be a music video producer?

God, I love so many, soooo many, could put up loads. I'll just offer this as it happens to be on, great, fantastic, creativity, God sent
That was pretty funny. I love when the guy spits his beer out!
In my own field, I am skilled and it comes naturally, but it's nothing too special, but then maybe I don't see it. Or maybe it is just that some skills are not so glamerous/sexy/exiting, or so it seems............I was involved with some travel tv production at one time and leant from that ............this would be great if it wasn't for the people I had to be with. So now i just do the same without those people and the schedule. I visit, see, explore, discover, interview, but leisurely...that is my thing, a 'travel tv show' but without the people and crushing schedule of a production. I suppose it is something to do with whether your lot is in accord with who you are........some find their slot, and some don't. But this is great. one has to smile and silently salute their intelligent creative front (how they are).

It's just staggering, the production, the story, the images that tell it. Truely, you go into hospital and that IS how it feels. This is genius stuff.....probably is, too, geniuses who can do it just doing a bit of something, well, great to 'em, well done, deserve it. Sooo creative, sooo undervalued..............but then are not we all in our own lot.

This is a good un, but, oh before the Ian Faith (Spinal Tap) character died last sad, wonderful personality and acting skills. I was gonna put this up
but now have to include The bloke in the stripy top, brilliant
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