Interesting trike

It would fun to test ride one.
Not sure where I would ride it. I would be tempted to weave all over the road just for fun and that may not be very safe.
I like it. This is more visible than a tadpole or recumbent style and much less likely to flip over than an upright trike.

Charging by pedaling probably isn't going to happen, and the target market will need a throttle as well as PAS, but it's a very good start.

@tomjasz did you see this ?
In the Ebiking with Disabilities sub forum, I've detailed what my wife bought - a Mastretta City.
Similar idea - and maybe a bit more realistic.

I've ridden it and it's pretty fun and quite stable.

She hasn't done much with it yet as I have had to tweak a few things and with knee surgery for her and our winter, it makes it a non-starter at present.
To rich for my blood, but really cool!
Yeah I don’t even want to know the price, but I remembered that some of you were involved with electric trikes.

Trikes seem like something that will matter more and more, especially for cargo and urban riders. And disability of course.

It might even be able to support a windshield/rainshield without being blown into the weeds by a cross wind.
It might even be able to support a windshield/rainshield without being blown into the weeds by a cross wind.
Discussing exactly that with the Zzipper.
That will make a huge difference in winter.

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It is funny. Yesterday was slow but I had six people show at once. This made it look to each of them that that is always the situation. It is not. One guy had a trike with a knock-off Bosch. It pulls to the left and is incontrollable. It cannot do a figure eight. With everyone watching I diagnosed it in 90 seconds. Only the right rear wheel is driven by the motor. It is a design flaw. It is like a tank or a bulldozer that has power to only one side. It had 20" rear wheels so, that torque magnified the problem. Of course it was an internet only bike. No local dealer could ever sell such a trike. You have to fight to the right to attempt to go straight and is still goes to the left!