Instead of banning certain members...

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I have not gone by to see an old, old friend (95) because of the covid risk. His younger wife is/has been a high Evangelical priestess and, of course, is knee-jerk against vaccination. Both of them were in the hospital last month for Covid though both are now recovering. IDK whether to visit now…

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

— Barry Goldwater
Within a week of the shot? How long when it happens in the unvaccinated?
Young men have more blood flowing through the biceps. The "vaccine" is not to be injected into a vein. The health care " professional" is supposed to draw the plunger back to check for blood ( few are doing this).
I have not gone by to see an old, old friend (95) because of the covid risk. His younger wife is/has been a high Evangelical priestess and, of course, is knee-jerk against vaccination. Both of them were in the hospital last month for Covid though both are now recovering. IDK whether to visit now…

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

— Barry Goldwater
Oh yes, the snake handling womb bosses have driven many away from the republican party. And if you are not sick you have no need to self isolate from anyone. There has never been a respiratory virus that spread asymptomatically. If you have no symptons there is not enough virus in you to spread to anybody. Asymptomatic spread was a key lie the CDC used to herd the sheep into the "vaccine" chutes. As was the the bogus pcr tests.
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I have not gone by to see an old, old friend (95) because of the covid risk. His younger wife is/has been a high Evangelical priestess and, of course, is knee-jerk against vaccination. Both of them were in the hospital last month for Covid though both are now recovering. IDK whether to visit now…

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

— Barry Goldwater
Christianity and every other religion are in my opinion mankind's worst invention.
Not true.

Are you willing to discuss your "factcheck"? What you said is untrue.
... doctors are trained in science. the vast majority of them agree about the science. and no, the science doesn’t say that vaccines are perfect.
That is your belief, but it is a faulty belief.
Medicine is not Science. This is why: Medicine has purpose and principles that override scientific curiosity. Do no harm...prevent or reduce suffering...prevent loss of life. Those over-riding principles rule it out of being Science.

For example, in vaccine trials as soon as Pfizer reports they see a benefit, they destroy the control arm of the trial by giving them the vaccine.
Even the placebo isn't necessarily inert medically. It can be a different vaccine ... reasoning being, to give control participants some benefit since they are not being given the supposed great benefit of the vaccine being tested. That vaccine has it's own list of adverse effects and benefits.

That's not Science, that is Medicine.
Not true.

Kindly show anything you believe denies what I showed you from government data - that the boostered are twice as likely to be a covid case compared to any other group.
hundreds of millions have taken the vaccine. the main side effect is that they’re far less likely to die from covid. facts. not anecdote or opinion.

View attachment 126108
Taking that as true, even though that isn't a side effect, you still haven't dealt with highly increased overall mortality rates after vaccination got rolling. In other words, you haven;t figured in the increase in mortality from heart attacks, blood clots, etc. Pfizer was cheating.
Not true.

You're blinded the dishonest "fact checkers" who are anything but fact checkers. Did you even notice that the boostered are about twice as likely to be a case than the double vaxxed are? That mere single fact throws your whole post AND SUSCEPTIBLE BELIEF SYSTEM out the window.


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Anyone here with a Pharma background? It takes years and years to understand the long term effects of drugs. Mean while media and others put a spin on it. Perhaps you all should wait about 10 years before forming strong opinions. Media knows no more than you do. Either get the vaccine or don't. This thread reminds me of another thread on the forum..."Throttle or no Throttle" ;)
Not true.

Think about your "factchecker" source. It does look like an impressive presentation. Now try to use their objections to explain why this situation exists, of the boostered being double the rate of the fully vaxxed ONLY SINCE OMICRON.
Thank you.
Anyone here with a Pharma background? It takes years and years to understand the long term effects of drugs. Mean while media and others put a spin on it. Perhaps you all should wait about 10 years before forming strong opinions. Media knows no more than you do. Either get the vaccine or don't. This thread reminds me of another thread on the forum..."Throttle or no Throttle" ;)
Indeed, but there is a major difference. Here the comments from one side are full of intolerance and forum rule-breaking - and that side continually tries to police their allies to blinder themselves to countering arguments.
Flagging is a street term. I worked in a drug counselling centers. Sorry for that, however you apparently didn’t read the story.
Although experts are cautious about drawing conclusions from animal studies, the paper has unleashed a long-simmering debate about whether healthcare providers should take additional steps to ensure a needle doesn’t inadvertently enter a vein during vaccination.

However, even doctors in favor of additional precautions say inadvertent injection in a vein is extremely unlikely. Providers inject the COVID vaccines into the shoulder, where there are few large blood vessels nearby.

“I think this is an important study because it gives us one possible mechanism that we can try to chase down,” said UC San Diego professor Dr. Robert Schooley, who is the editor of the journal that published the research.
Developing myocarditis is unlikely but the aspiration technique is a good precaution.
Indeed, but there is a major difference. Here the comments from one side are full of intolerance and forum rule-breaking - and that side continually tries to police their allies to blinder themselves to countering arguments.
The synthetic hivemind artificial world view of these neo liberals is a flimsy, fragile house of cards. Just a small bit of logic threatens the whole thing, hence the censorship and putting polite reasoned members on ingnore. The narrow mindedness is tragic.
Flagging is a street term. I worked in a drug counselling centers. Sorry for that, however you apparently didn’t read the story.
Although experts are cautious about drawing conclusions from animal studies, the paper has unleashed a long-simmering debate about whether healthcare providers should take additional steps to ensure a needle doesn’t inadvertently enter a vein during vaccination.

However, even doctors in favor of additional precautions say inadvertent injection in a vein is extremely unlikely. Providers inject the COVID vaccines into the shoulder, where there are few large blood vessels nearby.

“I think this is an important study because it gives us one possible mechanism that we can try to chase down,” said UC San Diego professor Dr. Robert Schooley, who is the editor of the journal that published the research.
Tom is full of misinformation. Who says it has to be a hit in a LARGE blood vessel? Is that an injection by Tom the expert?

. Why would safety precautions still not be followed simply because it's not a common injury? And who says that these walmart parking lot needler people are well trained and experienced?

People can know that when they rather immediately taste something strange after covid injection, that they were hit in a blood vessel. Here is a report from a Canadian champion mountain bike racer.

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I read many of you writing about your disbelief and flippant distain of some familiar religious community perhaps because abortion is murder.
I know, however, you all follow the ten commandments and avoid your mortal sin because deep down you know God within and throughout you.
You behave well and can't forget God is Love and yet we have faith in the resurection and judgement of life.
Don't 'cha just know it?
Digging into this whole covid mess has made me profoundly sad. Almost everyone i love and care about has been jabbed and many of them have fallen ill. There is no satisfaction in being proven right with this hideous mess......
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