This thread is turning into the other. Members question why I close or remove threads. This is the reason.
I think we'd all be better informed if you could be more specific? Which post(s) is/are your issue?
I hope it's not just the actual subject, because as members we do have opinions on how to deal with the Trolls - and of course you and the rest of the EBR staff have the ultimate power in that process.
You may or may have not seen my personal opinion in that regard - and you have also heard from me when I felt someone crossed "the line".
As others have mentioned quite well (for example
@ChezCheese:) ) the discourse is reasonable and friendly.
Personally, I don't see a problem, although I don't always read every post.
I spend a bit of time here - and I do choose what I absorb and what I share.
Some threads, not many thankfully, are being destroyed by a select few.
Some I add to my Ignore list because they NEVER add anything useful - some I just skim past.
There's been some pretty rude behavior too (non political) in some of the other forums, and my wish would be a bit more understanding and empathy was employed across the board at times, but that's just life in general too.
The EBR "OFF - TOPIC" area is just an extension of the world we live in - and IMHO the discussions going on in this thread is just that (for now).
My $0.02 (Canadian)