Inerbike cancels 2019 show and fires staff

Others forum threads on this as well. Besides the proliferation of brands (many of which are the same bikes being privately branded by small importers), I think the industry has other challenges / changes occurring. Channels from the manufacturer to retailer are changing dramatically which results in less POs being signed at trade shows like Interbike.

I went to Interbike this year for the first time. I enjoyed the show and established some good contacts in the industry because I want to have an ebike / emoped business but I don't want to just private brand Chinese models produced for private branding. I think there are 100s of small mom-n-pop business already doing this and there is simply no way that is a good long term strategy (can only compete on price and chasing the bottom is always a bad strategy - not even good for consumers that end up with products they will never find parts or service for in the future).
Others forum threads on this as well. Besides the proliferation of brands (many of which are the same bikes being privately branded by small importers), I think the industry has other challenges / changes occurring. Channels from the manufacturer to retailer are changing dramatically which results in less POs being signed at trade shows like Interbike.

I went to Interbike this year for the first time. I enjoyed the show and established some good contacts in the industry because I want to have an ebike / emoped business but I don't want to just private brand Chinese models produced for private branding. I think there are 100s of small mom-n-pop business already doing this and there is simply no way that is a good long term strategy (can only compete on price and chasing the bottom is always a bad strategy - not even good for consumers that end up with products they will never find parts or service for in the future).

Yup, it's like any business where's there are low barriers to entry. Especially now with the proliferation of Indiegogo and other funding sites where little more than a bit of marketing hype can get you prefunded with little skin in the game if it fails - now we see the hype has switched to e-scooters where billions are being pissed away in a mad frenzy to get market dominance. There was a recent story of two Singaporeans who started a scooter company 20 months ago and just sold it for $100M. It's all going to end in tears, but some early guys will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Just read a story about Lance Armstrong. He invested $100K into Uber when it was valued at $3.5M. His stake is now worth in the billions...