If your bike was a drug?

Is it possible to be depressed and ride an electric bike at the same time?

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Well-Known Member
Petaluma, CA
What if the electric bike feeling you get could be put into a pill?
If you have humorous responses please add them to the thread. It is meant to be fun and entertaining so give each other some laughs.


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I answered "yes" but this is why I don't like multiple choice: The answer is, "Yes, but only for the first 5 or 10 minutes."

I've been clean and sober for many years. I have no need to seek out experiences that alter my view of reality, or to participate in anything that remotely resembles altered consciousness, or entering into any kind of surreal dreamscape.

And I also do not cue the opening bars of Steppenwolf's "The Pusher" on my mental playlist at the start of a ride.

I have no idea why anyone would seek out such an experience. When I ride, I experience the world in a way that's pure and completely undistorted...

Kind of like... THIS...

Easy Rocker Distorted - 1.jpeg
Is it possible for a depressed person to ride an electric bike? Yes. In my opinion it is actually preferable. The electric bike can be a big part of therapy for depression. The exercise, the fresh air, the control, the exhilaration, and the self expression in pimping out the ebike have all been shown to break the bonds of depression.

Is it possible to remain depressed while riding an electric bike? Not if you are doing it right.
I get migraines, and part of the prodrome is suicidal delusions , often with limited insight.

I pray that I never develop one whilst out riding my mountain bike . I've had one on a motorbike, and the look of terror on my friends faces when they caught up will haunt me forever. ( thankfully the vomiting stopped me before a cliff did)

There is a very scary consequence to this question - please DO NOT ride if you are seriously depressed.

Sorry if this doesn't fit in with your idea of humour - but I guess it does fit with the original humor .
Testosterone baby. Feels like I’m riding a tandem with my best pal Lance on the back.

And the speed rush … kinda like this …


… kinda.
I get migraines, and part of the prodrome is suicidal delusions , often with limited insight.

I pray that I never develop one whilst out riding my mountain bike . I've had one on a motorbike, and the look of terror on my friends faces when they caught up will haunt me forever. ( thankfully the vomiting stopped me before a cliff did)

There is a very scary consequence to this question - please DO NOT ride if you are seriously depressed.

Sorry if this doesn't fit in with your idea of humour - but I guess it does fit with the original humor .
Holy s*it, PD. That sucks-- but thanks for mentioning that. Not giving medical or psychiatric advice, but just reminding us all of common sense that easily departs when the endorphins start kicking: If anyone's feeling suicidal for any reason, call someone you trust immediately, and stay away from weapons, sharp objects and anything that could be dangerous, including vehicles.

I've had it go the other way-- had migraines make me nearly suicidal, and had to just chase the moments when the pain dipped from a 9 to a 7 and lie in a dark room until it was over. No fun at all. Also get bad headaches (and gut pain) while riding sometimes and come home in a weird altered state-- endorphin buzz but physical pain.
I see no reason to have a pill when I have ebiking. I am lucky to work from home and to be able to ride all over the place from my house, usually 1.5 to 2 hours per day.

Ebiking is the perfect drug for me, it adds clarity to life, lets me get out and enjoy wildlife and the endorphin hit from exercise just make the rest of the day better. Even better that the weight starts coming off as I ride more.

I actually cant function very well without ebiking. The whole day prior to my ride is just cloudy and noneventful. What I try to do each day is just fill my brain with the days events and technical things to figure out and then go for a ride. Usually when I stop for a break, answers just start flowing. The amount of mental clarity I have when I get home is astounding.
I have to get out for a ride at least twice a day. I am addicted. Endorphins and cardio with assist. Got to do at least 3 mile rides daily x 2. And 20 mile rides have become 35 with giant hills weekly. It gets me sharp and clear. I want more. Women look at my legs then up and down and their friends whisper. I told a woman to jump on the back of my bike for a ride around the block at a coffee shop and she did, ten minutes later after talking to her friend. Same bike, different person on the back in the photo. She was a short cut blond and is now an eBike friend.


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The paint and background on the BodaBoda is pretty tripy .
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I actually get the runner's high if I bike hard and long enough.

Technical trail riding is is one of those sports where when you get in the zone you become ultra focused, especially downhill.
OR you crash! LOL..
I got'ta ride at least twice a day including trails. You are right @ruffruff about the Zone. Like a rock climber, jazz musician improvising a solo, or a wing surfer. There is too much to focus on in the present to be morose or distracted when a bunch of adrenaline and endorphins are pumping.