I agree on the non torque based assist and especially how natural it 'doesnt feel'. Lots of quirks on cadence based PAS IMHO and I just want a bike that feels like a regular bike(I like the sensation of using my legs for power). I have built up a bike with a BBS02 (and also played with programming it) and ridden a BBSHD of a friend. Such a shame, they dont have a torque sensor on those. All my ebikes would be BBS02 or BBSHD if they did.
As such, I really favor the Brose Mid-Drive system. Most natural feeling and the quietest. I forget Im on an ebike. There are reliability problems with them and I can not deny that but I havnt meet anyone in person(over 30) who has had issues and I try to talk to any ebike riders I come across. They all rave about how natural it feels.
Currently I own a Bulls Brose equipped 20mph eMTB, A Brose 28mph bike (iZIp Moda E3) and a Juiced CCX (torque sensor and hub drive).
While the Juiced CCX does have a torque sensor, its back on the rear dropout and the resolution(maybe just programming) just isnt on par with the brose. That being said, at higher speeds it doesnt matter as much and the CCX is fine for what it is (28mph high power commuter).
I have done a bike with a TSDZ2. I ran it at 52volts and ran opensource software on it and a metal gear and 750W. It was noiser that I liked(due to metal gear) and the unit lasted less than 1k miles before bearing slop made me throw it in the trash. That being said, there is a following on endless sphere and many have modded it/upgraded it.
As others have mentioned, grin technologies might be a good way to go.
This might work for you
Im actually in the process of speccing parts for a surly bridge club with a 52V hub based, torque sensing build from grin technologies. Im waiting on their GMAC motor to come back into stock.