joshua kirst
New Member
I purchased two new I zip zumas. I live in corpus christi and there doesn t appear to be any dealer s nearby. I ve tried the Currie customer service line but can t get thru. One of the bikes makes a click from the rear hub when pedaling forward or backwards. it is silent during electric only operation. It is not a derailur or chain noise. It is not the ratchet in the cassette. It is deeper inside the electric hub and quite loud. The noise went away when I took the wheel off. The noise came back when the axle nutt was tightened back up. If the axle nutt is left very loose there is no noise. My guess is there is an internal freewheel that gets pulled out of alignment when the axle is tightened but I m hoping to hear from an expert. The noise is a loud slow . I thank you in advance for any help or perhaps a phone number that currie will answer.