I was happily riding


my BELOVED e-bike this afternoon....

I had to run some errands so after work, instead of getting into my car, I grabbed my U-lock, wallet, keys and phone, put it in my pannier and hopped on my OHM beauty of a bike (I have yet to name it -- thinking maybe Diego -- not bad for D series BionX motor).

I never would have done errands on my normal bike (I live in very hilly neighborhood and always drive) so I was pretty happy to be a) environmentally responsible b) exercising and c) having so much fun while doing errands. Anyway as I was happily cruising on the bike path this man in a car screams out his window "cheater!"

I have to say my first reaction was -- wow what a sourpuss loser! I mean would he prefer that I get into a car and drive to do errands? It's not like I was joining a bike race and cheating athletes out of a win! But quickly I thought it was actually quite hilarious coming from an idiot driving a car....

This definitely isn't Europe-- Ebikes have a way to go to get accepted into North American society. I really don't understand it -- it's environmentally friendly, good for one's health, relieves congestion on roads-- it's win-win for everyone, so why the hate?

Anyway, to conclude, it didn't put a dent in my mood and I came home just so freakin happy to have finished my errands (which I normally hate to do) while a) having so much fun and b) exercising. That's my afternoon story.
Hi, EbikeR2. That is a new one to me. The car drivers here in FLA. would not know an ebike from a non ebike. All they yell is ( get off the road )! Oh well, have fun , and be safe, watch out for those CAR drivers. Keep Looking Up! Ken.
my BELOVED e-bike this afternoon....

I had to run some errands so after work, instead of getting into my car, I grabbed my U-lock, wallet, keys and phone, put it in my pannier and hopped on my OHM beauty of a bike (I have yet to name it -- thinking maybe Diego -- not bad for D series BionX motor).

His name - Django :)
Eats hills for breakfast and he has a plus sized motor but hey, real men have curves too... ;)

Anyway as I was happily cruising on the bike path this man in a car screams out his window "cheater!"

Let's have some compassion for him. 15 years from now, you'll still be cruising on your OHM 2030 model but the difference is, he won't be able to pass you in his wheelchair.
Wow, people surprise and disappoint me everyday. I'm glad you didn't let this guy yelling that get you down!
You get hate even here in EU land.
I've read a lot from the hate crowd in Europe against ebikes, most from "cycling groups". We are starting to get more of that in the U.S., most on just the proposal of sharing our very limited cycling infrastructure and MTB trails. I've been fortunate, it was cycling groups that pushed politicians to legalize ebikes in Pennsylvania, but push-back has started against their use on single-track.
His name - Django :)
Eats hills for breakfast and he has a plus sized motor but hey, real men have curves too... ;)

Let's have some compassion for him. 15 years from now, you'll still be cruising on your OHM 2030 model but the difference is, he won't be able to pass you in his wheelchair.

Real men don't name their bikes. ;)
Yesterday as I was driving home I was thinking of this "cheater!" thing and I decided a great comeback would be...

to a Lycra Lizard type: "Do You have a car? Well you're the cheater, burning gas, every time you use your car. THIS is my 'car.'"

to a passing rude motorist: "You're the cheater, burning gas and polluting. THIS is my car!"

eBikes are the secondary and in some case the primary vehicles for people. They are taking their ebikes instead of using their car.
I was the receiver of a full blown "CHEATER" comment this morning! I'm tooling along and come up on three old guys (you know my age:eek:) and I gave the customary "on your left" and cruised on by. A couple miles later there were several moms jogging with their strolers and since there wasn't a lot of room, I stopped and yielded the path to them. At that time the old guys plowed through and gave me the "cheater":rolleyes: As though they had beat me even with my motorized vehicle! I only had to pass them again.

If they only knew the kind of miles, fitness and money savings that's achievable with an ebike! It's a warm feeling to be in the know:)
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Ok I thought of even better comeback!

Next time someone calls you a cheater, (guys) yell back, "hey...it's not really cheating if my wife knows about my girlfriend!"
I guess if I really didn't like some other cyclist I could let him get ahead, then draw even with him, using the throttle, and pedaling backwards. Say something like "Wow, you really are slow".
I guess if I really didn't like some other cyclist I could let him get ahead, then draw even with him, using the throttle, and pedaling backwards. Say something like "Wow, you really are slow".
Now that's funny! If I cared enough, that's what I'd do.
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I would love someone to give me a hard time.. I'd turn around and challenge them right away on my road bike, if they weren't too over the top roided out..lol
Ok I thought of even better comeback!

Next time someone calls you a cheater, (guys) yell back, "hey...it's not really cheating if my wife knows about my girlfriend!"

slight twist, "hey, I only cheat because your wife wont stop calling me".
I guess if I really didn't like some other cyclist I could let him get ahead, then draw even with him, using the throttle, and pedaling backwards. Say something like "Wow, you really are slow".
Hi George S, thank you for the idea. I would of never of tried the pedal backwards idea.
But I did it last night. We have an open air biker bar here by the river road I ride on all the time. So I thought it would be fun to mess with them a little. So I put the GenZe in throttle mode and kept it about 13mph. as I did the backward pedal past the place. I do not know if anybody would even notice that I was pedaling backwards, but one guy did look at me with a wired look on his face. But that could just be his normal look!
Thanks again for the tip on how to have a little fun with an e-bike. Keep looking up! Ken.