I want to start renting Rad bikes as a business.

Still moving forward, bikes are coming still messing with paper work. I have keys to the building. Never thought starting a rental business was so complicated.
Any business is complicated. That's why most people have jobs and not businesses. I operated a custom woodworking business for 8 years. Discovered I was a much better craftsman than business man. Detested all the paperwork and all the money I had to "throw away" for fees, workman's comp, matching Social Security, etc.... Just when I thought we were getting ahead at a nice pace, I'd have to send away more money.
I forgot to add the owner of the ebike tour shop in Newport Beach gave us a discount code unique to their shop for a purchase of a Rad Power Bike. I don't know if Rad has a different department for ebike shops with deeper discounts/support or they treat everyone the same when selling direct?

Having an ebike shop to rent and sell along with LBS and warranty issue support sounds like the next steps for Rad Power Bikes setting up a network of dealer support. I think I have the only Rad Power Bike in my entire city of around 850,000; but, I always get people stopping me on the trails and streets asking me about my ebike. I even had a guy follow me in my SUV off the interstate to a local bike trail to ask me about my Radrover on my platform rack. I figure I must have talked to +100 potential buyers; but, they didn't commit because spending $1500 online without test riding.

You can sponsor a Rad Power Bike test ride day several times a year for folks to sample all the different versions of the ebikes.
Well we aren't open yet. Bikes are here and together, shop is as ready as it is going to be for now. Only problem is bank has not come through with a card reader. Tuesday I will be looking for other options. Grand kids are enjoying the bikes.
Well we aren't open yet. Bikes are here and together, shop is as ready as it is going to be for now. Only problem is bank has not come through with a card reader. Tuesday I will be looking for other options. Grand kids are enjoying the bikes.

Congrats.. Can't you open with a cash only business for this weekend?
Still moving forward, bikes are coming still messing with paper work. I have keys to the building. Never thought starting a rental business was so complicated.
If I may ask, what insurance company did you go with? what's the ballpark cost of insurance? and how many bikes are you starting out with? I have a daydream of perhaps doing rental in my neck of the woods (but probably unlikely since I don't have the stones lol) - life goals though!
My wife and I are in the opening stages of opening our electric bike rental company in Canada and we are curious to know how things went for you in your first year in business.