Hydra tamed


Active Member
Well, for those of you following my travails with the Hydra I am happy to report all seems sorted now. I finally got to get out and test the new system and components and all seemed very good indeed. Managed 30+ on smallest cog for an extended period with not a single slip, skip or pop. Shifts were smooth and solid. This was not a long test ride but am confident it is finally there.

Even tho I am a scientist, my methods for solving this issue were done in a typically haphazard way so I can not pinpoint the one change that was the solution to the chain skipping but here is what I did:

1. Replaced the Shimano m8000 derailleur (and Garbaruk cage that helped but did not sure the issue) with the new Shimano Linkglide m8130 derailleur and shifter
2. Installed the @wattwagons supplied smaller cassette and new chain

My guess is that all components helped, but I do think the cassette may be the key improvement. Maybe others out there who received that cassette from WW and installed it found the solution but I don’t remember seeing any posts to that effect.

The Hydra is now pretty well upgraded with that new drivetrain and the Shimano XT brakes. Was smooth as butter out there and fast!

Now that winter has decided to make an appearance in Colorado, it may be a while till I can get on the trails again, but really looking forward to that (and the 29er up front trail test). 😁
I did a mullet job on my similar bike and it does great on the trails and rutted tracks. I haven't had a bike without a 29" wheel on the front since 1999 so even having the stock 27.5 wheel on for a month felt odd to me. I kept stuffing the front end where I didn't think it would matter but it did in some cases. All better now.
Where did you get the Linkglide? Did you replace the shifter and chasin as well with LG components?
The cassette and chain came from Watt Wagons. I don’t recall the exact size of the cassette but more narrow spacing than the 11-51 that had come originally on it.

When I was looking it seemed impossible to get any Linkglide components from a US dealer and outside of the US Shimano dealers would not sell and ship to the US (maybe this has changed). I was lucky to have a friend in Germany at the time who sent me the derailleur and shifter.
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The cassette and chain came from Watt Wagons. I don’t recall the exact size of the cassette but more narrow spacing than the 11-51 that had come originally on it.

When I was looking it seemed impossible to get any Linkglide components from a US dealer and outside of the US Shimano dealers would not sell and ship to the US (maybe this has changed). I was lucky to have a friend in Germany at the time who sent me the derailleur and shifter.
Yep, that's exactly why I was asking. I had a line on a full setup but could only get from Europe. I'm guessing COVID forced a 'soft launch' of what should have been a pretty big launch by Shimano for LinkGlide. Definitely in for wear info/experience with it over time!