How to reverse the direction of motor rotation.

H Franz

New Member
Hello everyone, I would like to put a switch on the handlebar to reverse the direction of motor rotation on my e-trike. I read that this would be possible by connecting the PAS Signal pin to the GND pole . Is this true in general for all controllers? Do you know if there are other solutions to reverse the direction of motor rotation at will?
Just pedal backwards /s. Everything will go in reverse.

Will the battery charge in reverse? Maybe that is the secret.
Sorry Franz. You cannot flip the PAS sensor wires. Whoever said that was wrong. What a goof. That won't work.

In addition, only certain hubmotors will reverse direction. Those hubs have no internal gears. Motors with reduction gears can only power in one direction, and if spun backwards, they freewheel, You can tell the difference by lifting the motorized wheel and see if it spins backwards and forwards with the same resistance. A geared motor has more resistance going backward.

You need a gearless motor. It also has to be a sensored motor. If you have one, you could put in switches to flip two pairs of wires going to the motor and it would spin backwards. There are controllers sold that accomplish that inside the IC's that control spinning, and they have a reverse input for that purpose. You need to be handy with electrical stuff and know how to solder, etc, to install it. Might need to read chinese too, because most of those controllers only come with chinese labels.
Scusa Franz. Non è possibile invertire i fili del sensore PAS. Chiunque lo abbia detto si sbagliava. Che stupidaggine. Non funzionerà.

Inoltre, solo alcuni motori dei mozzi invertiranno la direzione. Quei mozzi non hanno ingranaggi interni. I motori con riduttore possono funzionare solo in una direzione e, se fatti girare all'indietro, ruotano liberamente. Puoi notare la differenza sollevando la ruota motorizzata e vedere se gira avanti e indietro con la stessa resistenza. Un motoriduttore ha più resistenza andando all'indietro.

Hai bisogno di un motore senza ingranaggi. Deve anche essere un motore con sensore. Se ne hai uno, potresti inserire degli interruttori per capovolgere due coppie di fili che vanno al motore e girerebbe all'indietro. Sono venduti controller che realizzano ciò all'interno dei circuiti integrati che controllano la rotazione e hanno un ingresso inverso a tale scopo. È necessario essere pratici con le cose elettriche e sapere come saldare, ecc. Per installarlo. Potrebbe essere necessario leggere anche il cinese, perché la maggior parte di questi controller ha solo etichette cinesi.
Ciao Harry, il mio triciclo elettrico ha il motore nel mozzo e si guida solo con l'acceleratore sul manubrio, non è installato alcun PAS poiché non ha pedali. Mi sarebbe utile sapere di quale marca e modello di controller è dotato il cavo che consente di modificare la rotazione del motore. Ne conosci qualcuno?
"Hi Harry, my electric tricycle has a hub motor and is only driven with the throttle on the handlebars, there is no PAS installed as it has no pedals. It would be useful to know which brand and model of controller is equipped with the cable that allows you to change the rotation of the motor. Do you know any?"

This is a front wheel trike? First do that rotation test to see if you have a gearless or geared motor.
"Hi Harry, my electric tricycle has a hub motor and is only driven with the throttle on the handlebars, there is no PAS installed as it has no pedals. It would be useful to know which brand and model of controller is equipped with the cable that allows you to change the rotation of the motor. Do you know any?"

This is a front wheel trike? First do that rotation test to see if you have a gearless or geared motor.
That's right, the motor is on the hub of the front wheel and turns freely both forward and backward without difficulty. The motor is a Bafang. Which controller can I need?
Mi sto perdendo qualcosa perché vorresti invertire il motore
Ciao, immagina di guidare un triciclo elettrico, è abbastanza comune avere la necessità di effettuare una manovra in retromarcia, non sei d'accordo?
Next question. How many wires go to the motor?
-If it is a sensored motor. three thick phase wires and 5 or 6 sensor wires, A Bafang uses 6 sensor wires for a total of nine,
-If it is sensorless, then only three phase wires and 3 sensor wires.

A bafang motor may use a round 9 pin plug in either case, so you have to look inside the controller to see how many wires come out at the end of the motor cable.
Next question. How many wires go to the motor?
-If it is a sensored motor. three thick phase wires and 5 or 6 sensor wires, A Bafang uses 6 sensor wires for a total of nine,
-If it is sensorless, then only three phase wires and 3 sensor wires.

A bafang motor may use a round 9 pin plug in either case, so you have to look inside the controller to see how many wires come out at the end of the motor cable.
9-pin plug: 3 phases plus 6 wires for hall sensors
9-pin plug: 3 phases plus 6 wires for hall sensors

3 phase wires.
3 hall sensor wires (the hall sensor wire colors match the corresponding phase wires)
+5 Volt power wire (usually red.)
Ground wire (usually black.)
And a speed sensor wire (usually white.)
Some discussion shown for just swapping wires. I have tried it, and it works, You have to swap two phase wires and two sensor wires. Could be done by switches, but you want to stop and shut off power,

Also, this chart suggests switching the heavy yellow/green wires and the small yellow/blue.

You have to be pretty adventurous to try this. You have a working trike right now, If you hack into the wires, and the links and I are wrong, you might not have a working trike any more.

Cannot recommend a controller because I've never owned one that reverses. Also, the controllers and battery voltage aren't known, Don;t know if you have a display, Any new controller will probably not work with your old display.

However, controllers exist. Google for a Reversing controller of the right voltage and amperage. It should also be sensored and use a 9 pin motor connector.


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You have to be pretty adventurous to try this. You have a working trike right now, If you hack into the wires, and the links and I are wrong, you might not have a working trike any more.

If you do decide to try it, one thing I learned when I installed my new controller was that when you're ready to test it, Don't Give It Full Throttle.

That's how you burn out your hall sensors.
Just give it a bit of throttle and see if the wheel starts spinning.

When I had my wires wrong, my motor just buzzed and clunked, and hummed.

Full throttle would have cooked my hall sensors.
Well, the solution of inserting a contactor that performs phase/hall wire exchange does not appeal to me....
If I had a controller/motor system available I would do a test to see if connecting the PAS Signal wire to GND really performs the rotation reversal, however I don't let go of the suggestions I had.
Thank you!

One last question: what are the pins of the PAS connector?
Franz there is no way you can reverse the leads on a pedal sensor. Quit reading junk from whoever said that. It's not like a mechanical light switch. It's an electrical circuit with two wires for power and ground. A third wire is the output. It runs by reading magnets spinning around the pedal axle. FLip the wires and you will burn it out,

A controller replacement requires knowing the battery voltage and current rating of the old controller. A new controller will not work with any existing display, unless both are made by the same maker. If you use a display, then expect to replace that too. You'll want a controller with a nine pin motor connector, and also connectors compatible with the brake and throttle connections you already use. You'll have to buy some kind of switch to activate reverse.

I suggest you go to the endless sphere forum and ask about a replacement controller that will support reverse. Probably no one here has ever needed to do that, but people there know about them. Tell them what current rating is on your controller label. Add a picture of the front hub to show it's direct drive. Do not mention reversing the PAS sensor leads, because most will ignore you,