How Much Cardio Can You Get From Electric Bikes?

This is the exact route which convinced me to upgrade my battery-capacity! I have a buddy in Yacht Haven I've been threatening to visit, and decided that for the next trip I'd Acela down to DC from NYC with my eBike, then bike to his place. I've driven up and down the GW Parkway plenty of times and have been salivating at the opportunity of trying out that bike-trail. I had no idea that the Northern approach to Mount Vernon was so steep! Driving it is deceiving. I guess that's why it's called a "Mount" then.

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"threatening to visit"- that's good!

The motor definitely comes in handy on a steep ascent.
So first ride with heart rate monitor (Wahoo). Works well and yup - ebikes keep sustained elevated heart rate. Quick/slow ride on wet singletrack showed 67% of my ride was in a good place for exercising my heart.

Even using the highest level of assist and the lowest amount of human input your legs are pumping on the pedals and going round and round stimulating blood circulation. But the ability with an e bike to vary that model anywhere in between is what sets them apart from conventional analog bikes.

Also just the physical act of being in the wind also stimulates ones mental health. I don't know about you but lots of thoughts go through my head while riding along that pertain to my expectations of the day and beyond and is I have found to be the best time of day for reflection. There is a phrase here in the PNW that describes this as "Green Bathing" but "eBike Bathing" may be more applicable here as I doubt that "Pavement Bathing" will ever be a thing.
Also just the physical act of being in the wind also stimulates ones mental health. I don't know about you but lots of thoughts go through my head while riding along that pertain to my expectations of the day and beyond and is I have found to be the best time of day for reflection.
Amen brother! Riding my bike is absolutely a big part of both my physical and mental well being. It is truly amazing the difference in my attitude when I arrive home after commuting on my bike vs. the car. Sitting in traffic in the car is an experience that sucks the life out of me.

As for the physical component on an ebike; I have only had my ebike for 10 days and have put over 400 miles on it in that time, due to the enjoyment of commuting on it regardless of weather or other circumstances. The ebike has done exactly what I had hoped, eliminated excuses for not riding to work that day. I would've likely riden less than half that many miles with the road bike.
Also, I have found that I am actually pedaling harder on my ebike than I was on my road bike. I think that I am not worried about saving energy to make the 30 mile trip each way, thus I feel like I can really give it a hard effort. I routinely arrive at work or home dripping sweat and legs fully fatigued; the biggest difference is the duration of the ride, the ebike has cut my commuting time from ~110 minutes to ~80 minutes each way. In fact, I needed today off as a recovery day after commuting all week, as my legs are pretty toasted right now.
Grabbed this:

According to a British study, the risk of developing heart disease is 46 percent lower for people who ride their bikes to work than it is for people who commute by car or train. This is due to the fact that the combination of movement and fresh air strengthens the immune system, improves powers of concentration and responsiveness, and provides an increased sense of physical well-being. An endurance sport like cycling also has a positive effect on brain activity. The increased supply of oxygen improves cognitive abilities, while the rhythmic, circular pedaling motion provides for relaxation. Exercise also boosts the release of happiness hormones such as serotonin and endorphins – helpful substances for combatting depression.”

From this:
So I'm not commuting I ride singletrack mountainbike trails - completely fun and way more exciting than a commute imo.

I switched to economy for one part of my ride today and then emtb mode for the later part and it's confusing, my heart rate was consistently higher during the emtb mode than it was for the economy mode. I had more peaks and valleys in economy and it seemed in emtb there was less of the valleys.

I rode my emtb up a 3.5 mile long old fire road sustained climb in a nearby park today in eco using my two lowest gears, 42/42 and 42/38, in my eco mode and did my usual get to the edge of a sweat and stayed there. When I topped the ridge and just got on the road a guy on a road bike went around me as I was getting up to speed going about 25. I dropped to my lowest gear, 11t, and stomped on it to catch his draft as well, why not. I've been watching too much Giro I guess.

Didn't have much trouble catching up to him and drafted him for about a mile and on a false flat I came up beside him, thanked him for the draft and offered a pull to my turn off to go back down on a paved road. When I turned off and looked back he looked like he was continuing on so I let gravity take it's course for the 3 mile trip back down. There is a big washout in the road down near the bottom that blocks the road for thru traffic and after I had ridden around the barriers I stopped to contemplate the fact that it has been three years now since it caved in and obviously is not high on the metro list of stuff to get done. A minute later the guy showed up and he said "You were hauling @#%".

I said not bad for a mtb with 15psi in the tires eh? Although 15psi in a front knobby on paved hard dh corners is kind of a handful admittedly.
@Chris Hammond that mileage is impressive! I’ve been riding mine 150-175 miles/week for pleasure and exercise and I haven’t had this much cardio in years.

I rode 25 miles yesterday and burned 849 calories according to my Fitbit Ionic (I’m 225 lbs.)

The way I see it, since I ride pretty hard for the most part, I get almost the same amount of exercise per hour, but go further and faster. So it’s much less exercise per mile, but similar per hour.

I enjoy riding faster and not being slowed to a crawl by the wind. Never being passed is pretty cool too :p
I absolutely love my E-bike. I own 3 bikes currently. my downhill ( Jamis defcon1 ) ( jamis ventura carbon ) and my Magnum peak.
the peak is fantastic I have owned it for about a month and a half and after this evenings commute home i will be passing 1,700kms on the bike. i love being able to pick my level of assistance and being able to commute by bike instead of car is so much faster now.
how ever the rain sucks when traveling 40km/h on pedal assistance the range is good enough to just run the bike on power mode and if i need i just charge at work or home depends when the battery runs low. E-bikes are the way of the future.

Agreed! Faster commute, plus better health.
Actually, do a search on the main EBR reviews site where you can select a detailed search with options for match what you might be interested in.

Also, @Bengeemary, make a post in our "Help Choosing an EBike" forum for a lot of experienced help figuring out the nuances of so many great ebikes. Or also make a post in our "Introductions and Bike Garage" to meet up with other ebike owners or more help figuring out the best ebike for you!

Looking forward to hearing more about your search for that ebike that also satisfies your health and exercise needs :)
Well I thought I'd provide a different perspective on the ebikes related to exercise.
Today while commuting home from work, I was fighting a ~20 mph headwind the entire way home for 30 miles. I would never have even bothered trying to ride home on my road bike in those conditions, I would've headed straight to the train station and sat on my butt doing nothing the whole way home.
Instead I was able to get a great workout, (in fact I worked harder than usual as the ride took about 15 minutes more than normal.) Another beautiful part of commuting on an ebike, the wind doesn't have nearly the same effect on your ability to maintain speed.

I have only had my ebike for 3 weeks and just crossed the 825 mile mark. I doubt I would've ridden even half as many miles if I was still trying to commute on my road bike. I just found too many excuses to take the train when conditions weren't perfect. Now there's nearly no point in looking to the train, it doesn't really save me any time, it costs much more, I miss my ride and workout, etc.
Well I thought I'd provide a different perspective on the ebikes related to exercise.
Today while commuting home from work, I was fighting a ~20 mph headwind the entire way home for 30 miles. I would never have even bothered trying to ride home on my road bike in those conditions, I would've headed straight to the train station and sat on my butt doing nothing the whole way home.
Instead I was able to get a great workout, (in fact I worked harder than usual as the ride took about 15 minutes more than normal.) Another beautiful part of commuting on an ebike, the wind doesn't have nearly the same effect on your ability to maintain speed.

I have only had my ebike for 3 weeks and just crossed the 825 mile mark. I doubt I would've ridden even half as many miles if I was still trying to commute on my road bike. I just found too many excuses to take the train when conditions weren't perfect. Now there's nearly no point in looking to the train, it doesn't really save me any time, it costs much more, I miss my ride and workout, etc.

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. People get more exercise on ebikes than on non electric bikes purely because it's so much fun riding ebikes that you spend so much time with it. As opposed to looking for excuses to avoid it (in the case of the non electric bikes) since conditions like headwinds and steep hills are just too daunting to the aging body.
I have only had my ebike for 3 weeks and just crossed the 825 mile mark. I doubt I would've ridden even half as many miles if I was still trying to commute on my road bike.

YES! Here are my stats, for two months of 2017 and 2018

June-to-August 2017, Conventional bike, miles ridden: 0
June-to-August 2018, e-bike, miles ridden: 1200

An ebike is DEFINITELY more exercise and cardio than a conventional bike. Where I live, to go anywhere for an errand or commute starts with a 1-2 mile downhill ride. I simply couldn't do it on my regular bike.
how much cardio do you get?

all depends on how you ride it. I am living proof.

3-2020 I weighted 430lbs. I also have a replacement hip and knee as the result of a motorcycle accident 20 years ago.

Covid hit and I started working from home, and eating at home. no more 16 work days and fast/quick food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I started to have time for me, exercise, proper diet, I decided to take advantage of my forced vacation, yes I was still working; I was one of the lucky ones, but no more 1.25 hour driving commute, that left time in the morning and evening to exercise, no more eat on the move. Wife was cooking me good food, I decided to join a weight loss program to get a handle on what and how much to eat.

at 430lbs there were no bikes out there that would hold my weight, I needed to drop at least 60lbs for the best one I could afford that could hold my weight at 360lbs. I knew a couldn't do a regular bike and that I wouldn't stick to it if it was a struggle, so I went for an e-bike. I ordered the bike in July 2020, received it 9-2020. I was 365lbs by then.

I was also back to work at the office, so I decided to try cycling to work I had done a couple of 5-10 mile runs on the e-bike, and though I was tired I felt good. so I set off at 7am hoping to get the 25 miles to the office by 10am, figured I would have to rest a few times.

115 minutes later I was there, no stops.

Since 10-2020 I have used my e-bike to commute to work 4 times a week, I drive in on Monday, take my weeks worth of lunches and clothes, bring home a lunch container and the work clothes each day in my pannier, 50 miles a day round trip. I get ~40miles or so (now) out of a battery charge so I have a charger at work to be sure it is topped up for the journey home.

When I started I was always in PAS5 but I pedaled, I did not throttle except to start from lights, or to help get up an incline, otherwise I was moving my legs.

today I do the same 25 miles in 68 minutes, in PAS1, throttle is disconnected (unplugged) so I am not tempted to use it, but can in an emergency (like when I bent the cranks in a fall 3 weeks ago).

I am addicted to riding, I now have a e-tandem for myself and the wife, since Covid killed my teens ability to take drivers education last year I got her a matching e-bike to mine so she can scoot around until she can get her license.

I cycle to/from work 4 days a week, 200 miles a week. Wife/Kid and I do 60 miles on Saturday and Sunday as well, so I put in 320+ miles a week.

Today (16 months later) I weigh 220lbs,. I am now on the hunt for a carbon road bike (no power). to feed my addiction.

what you get out of it is all a matter of what you put into it. I started on an e-bike because I knew I couldn't commute on a regular bike at my weight, I needed the help, I am now past that need I believe, I can ride a pedal only bike and maintain a 14-15mph pace for at least 10-15 miles, however I will continue to use an e-bike for the work commute, as timing is an issue and I know my average speed on the e-bike, even in PAS1 is several MPH higher than I would achieve on a pedal only.

something else that amazed me, my cycle commute is 25 miles, 4 miles longer than my drive commute, this is due to forcibly using only bike trails and roads with Class 1 or Class 2 bike lanes. but my cycle commute takes me 15 minutes less than my Monday morning drive which is all highway based. My average speed on the bike is 22mph, my average speed in the car is 17mph.

oh yeah and since 10-2020 I have 8,300 on my bike and tandem (just ticked off 1,900 on the tandem this past weekend) combined and only put 2,100 on my car in the same time frame, and 1,000 of that was 2 round trips from L.A. to Phoenix.

me in 3-2020 and me Today, My e-bike has everything to do with this transformation.


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