How many with mid drives have broken a chain?

rich c

Well-Known Member
Just read another member with mid drive chain breakage concerns. How many have actually broken a chain and had to walk home? I have two Bosch mid drives, 2,300+miles on one, 2,200+miles on a second. I'm ready to replace the original chains, but no breakage.
I broke one on a BBS-HD bike, but it was my own fault. I replaced the rear cassette with an internally geared hub and as part of the process, I replaced the chain (or maybe I just shortened the original). I thought chain links could be removed with a chain breaker, but apparently, chain technology has changed. The chain was OK for a short while, but it broke 6 miles from home on a rainy day. Once the chain was replaced and installed properly, I had no more issues.

Chain wear can be measured and the chain should be replaced before it gets too worn - much like a timing belt in a car. But I'd expect chain life expectancy is influenced a lot by the conditions the bike is ridden in and the diligence with which the owner maintains the chain. Suffice it to say that a broken chain can ruin your day, so check for wear regularly and replace on time. +1 for hub motors that won't put undue stress on the chain and will get you home even if the chain does break.
I have over 5,000 miles on my Haibike AllMtn and never had a broken chain. I replace my chain when my LBS measures it and advises it is time to replace it, which is usually every 2,000 miles or so. I consider replacing the chain normal maintenance.
I have over 5,000 miles on my Haibike AllMtn and never had a broken chain. I replace my chain when my LBS measures it and advises it is time to replace it, which is usually every 2,000 miles or so. I consider replacing the chain normal maintenance.

Have been riding mid drives as my daily commute vehicles since 1995 (Merida, Giant Lafree Sport, Yamaha Easy Pas). One broken chain in those 20 plus years. That was year before last and assuredly my fault since the Yamaha Easy Pas had over 8,000 miles on that chain and the chain should have been replaced long before it gave up the ghost. That Yamaha bike uses an 8 speed internal hub and I tend to go much longer on that setup between replacing the chain since it seems much less stressful on the chain than a derailleur setup. My LBS advises me I should replace the chain every 3,000 miles even on the internal gear setup.
While I'm hoping I don't ever break a chain. I'm prepared. I carry a chain tool and a spare master link. While I know it be a permanent fix, It should be good enough to get me home or to a place where I can get help should I be out in the trails...