How cycling can keep you young

Here is another good read for Seniors.

Thank you Tim. At age 65, I have been riding 30 to 40 km per day almost without fail (weather). After a bit more than two months and 2500 Km, I feel great. My health care staff are impressed with blood tests and weight. I feel much more steady on my feet. And I am loving getting out into the great outdoors around my area. (Even if I did fall into a thick patch of poison ivy on a slow tight turn today).
Thank you Tim. At age 65, I have been riding 30 to 40 km per day almost without fail (weather). After a bit more than two months and 2500 Km, I feel great. My health care staff are impressed with blood tests and weight. I feel much more steady on my feet. And I am loving getting out into the great outdoors around my area. (Even if I did fall into a thick patch of poison ivy on a slow tight turn today).
You young fellas do get back in shape faster than we oldies...😎