His and hers GenZes


New Member
Hi all, we have purchased a pair of GenZe e-bikes from Costco, an e101 for me and an e102 for my wife. So far we've only gone on one longer ride, and there is a lot of roadwork that is getting in the way. There is a bike trail along the Santa Ana river that we will ride soon.

So far I've added rear racks to both, and have ordered Slime inner tubes and a pair of more road-worthy tires for my 101. I have to giggle a bit at GenZe's description of it as a "mountain bike," as it has no suspension and weighs a ton. But they made it up our half mile of 10% grade just fine. We used to ride all the time, but getting old and moving up that hill kept us off for more than a decade. I'm looking forward to both of us getting in better shape.

And thanks to poster KenM for his great review of this bike. :)


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