Hi from Oz...


New Member
Hi EBR, a new joiner here from beautiful Jervis Bay on the New South Wales south coast, Australia. I’m a fairly recent retiree, determined to stay active as I relax into the post-working lifestyle. As well as daily ocean swimming (working towards welcoming my sixth decade with an Alcatraz swim in a few years), and weekly golf, I’m making a conscious effort to cycle whenever practical, and not drive the car any more than necessary - and, to my own surprise, succeeding!

My wife and I relocated to here at the end of December last year, and immediately had a few scary weeks avoiding bushfires in the area. With that move came the realisation that, in our previous home in the national capital, Canberra, we were very lucky to be surrounded by lots of well-maintained bike paths. Here - not so much! In Canberra our commuter-style ebikes had worked well for us for the year or so that we’d owned them.

His: https://www.lekkerbikes.com.au/product/amsterdam-gt-ebike/
Hers: https://www.kalkhoff-bikes.com/en_gb/kh0050076v2020-image-5-b-belt

Now that we’re here at the coast, I’m thinking that a transition to something a little more rugged and versatile (eMTB!!) might be in my future...
Hi Al, like you we are ex-Canberrans retired to the coast - Dalmeny, near Narooma. If you aren't familiar with the area check out our fabulous bike path that runs from Narooma, along the coastline to Dalmeny. I ride it regularly and often see dolphins frolicking off Kianga reef. Soon the winter migration of humpbacks will bring the whales passing by. At the Narooma end you will find seals, pelicans and giant sting rays hanging around the boat ramps waiting for a free feed. I see you have a Lekker Amsterdam. I am waiting to get my hands on the Lekker Outback with Gates belt drive, due out in July. Enjoy retirement - the fires were scary, but that seems like a long time ago.