Help with rear tire repair on 2015 EVO JET


New Member
Has anyone found it easy to replace the rear tire on the EVO Jet? I keep it in my front room and when I went to ride it I noticed the rear tire was flat. I looked up a video on youtube by blue monkey
to make sure I wasn't getting in over my head. I loosened the bolts that hold the tire and cut the cable ties that secure the motor wire tugged and it came off with out a problem. While I repaired the flat a washer hit the floor that the video made no mention of. I can only guess how that goes back on because I can find no reference to tire repair in the manual that came with the bike. Can anyone point me to a manual or video that goes into detail on repairing a rear flat tire on this bike. It's a good thing this happened at home.
I feel a bit stupid. Found my answer by watching the installation portion of the video above. Don't know why he didn't mention that washer during the removal but very glad he did during the instalation.