Help to buy an electric Hybrid in the UK


New Member
United Kingdom
So I am trying to buy a bike and could use some help.

My use case.

  1. Cycling along roads for fun.
  2. Cycling along cycle paths with decent surfaces for fun, max planned journey would be about 60 miles.
  3. Commuting along paved roads, not all are lit, 32 miles total a few times a year.
  4. Going to need a pannier rack for all the work stuff when I do that.
  5. My knees are sore now if I ride a push bike and so need an e-bike to sort that out (I have been to the Dr about it, nothing to do).
  6. Live in the UK.
  7. I live in a flat and so a folding bike would be nice but after using by friends folding push bike which felt like a rowing machine, I think I will pass on folding bikes.
  8. I have previously had two 700c hybrid commutator push bikes and really liked them.
  9. Male, 11st 5lb (160lb, 72kg) and 5ft 7in (170cm).

Where I am up to with this.

  1. Think staying with the hybrid seems like a good choice, don't want to go to a road bike.
  2. I have found out that apparently electric bikes like to fail a lot so the motor choice is very important.
  3. Crank motors appear to be the best way to go as these bikes tend to be more reliable and people seem to think this is a better more fun choice.
  4. The Yamaha PW Series ST appears to be a good reliable choice.
  5. I would like integrated front and back lights so I do not have to do the whole faff each time.
  6. I would need a bike that can take a pannier rack.
  7. I need a frame that can mount a D-lock inside the front triangle.
  8. I want a removable battery that locks into the frame.
  9. I have no idea how to tell if a bike is built using good kit or not and e-bikes seem to be the wild west right now.
  10. I had hoped to get something good for around £1500. It appearers though that £2000 - £2500 is going to be needed, which I can afford.

Can you point me in a good direction?
Forme Peak Trail 2E meets most of your requirements.

If you want a Yamaha PW derived motor consider the Giant Roam E+ although you will need the dealer to fit e-bike lights, a rack, mudguards, a kickstand, and pedals, which don't come with the bike, but the bike is pre-wired to accept lights.

Halfords Carrera CrossFuse has similar issues, no lights rack or mudguards, but could be upgraded following this Reddit post from someone who bought Bosch 1400mm cables and B&M ebike lights.
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